dRPC- Leading in research and action on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention and response
Since 2012 the dRPC has honed its research and programming focus on child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) as an expression of gender based violence for girls under the age of 18 years, the minimum legal age of marriage. The dRPC has carried out 8 studies with funding from the Ford Foundation, Henrich Boll Foundation, Grand Challenges Canada and the Bernard Van Leer Foundation.
In 2019, the dRPC expanded its GBV body of work by focusing on Muslim Opinion Leaders (MOLs) to reorient their role, positioning them as advocates to the government for an expanded response to the emerging epidemic of GBV in the
post-Covid 19 period. In this new body of work, the dRPC has developed deep and positive relationships with MOLs across Northern Nigeria with a particular focus on Sharia morality police, the Hisbah, who are trained to respect the rights of women and support the adjudication of GBV cases by applying Islamic precepts of women’s rights and the role of the state in protecting women and girls.

The development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) is registered intermediary non-profit organization established with a mission of strengthening the capacity (organizational and technical capacity) of civil society organizations to design and implement transformative and sustainable development interventions which engage government and address felt needs of the vulnerable and excluded such as women and girls.
Current Projects