2025/1/21 | Leadership | NGO Moves To Address Women’s Health Challenges In Nigeria | https://leadership.ng/ngo-moves-to-address-womens-health-challenges-in-nigeria/ | |
2025/1/17 | News Equal | dRPC To Kano Gov’t: Domesticate WEE Policy, Reduce Rampant Incidences Of GBV | https://newsequal.com.ng/drpc-to-kano-govt-domesticate-wee-policy-reduce-rampant-incidences-of-gbv/ | |
2024/12/10 | Osun Defender | Islamic Teachings and Community Collaboration for Ending Gender-Based Violence | https://www.osundefender.com/i-advised-my-daughters-to-retaliate-if-their-husbands-slap-them-emir-sanusi/ | |
2024/12/09 | The Sun | Emir Sanusi condemns wife battering, says assaulting women is unislamic, uncivilized | https://thesun.ng/emir-sanusi-condemns-wife-battering-says-assaulting-women-is-unislamic-uncivilized/ | |
2024/12/10 | The Triumph | Kano Emir vows to depose title holders who beat wives | https://triumphnewspapers.ng/kano-emir-vows-to-depose-title-holders-who-beat-their-wives/ | |
2024/12/09 | BBC News Hausa | Shirin Yamma-Shiri ne na minti 30 wanda ya kunshi labaru da rahotanni daga sassa daban na duniya. | https://www.bbc.com/hausa/bbc_hausa_radio/w3ct77cr | |
2024/12/10 | Legit | Emir Sanusi Vows to Depose Title Holders, Gives Reason Read more: | https://www.legit.ng/politics/1629715-emir-sanusi-vows-depose-title-holders-reason/ | |
2024/12/10 | The Guardian | Sanusi vows to dethrone wife beaters as anti-GBV war thickens in North | https://guardian.ng/news/sanusi-vows-to-dethrone-wife-beaters-as-anti-gbv-war-thickens-in-north/ | |
2024/12/09 | Vanguard | Islamic Teachings and Community Collaboration for Ending Gender-Based Violence | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2024/12/i-told-my-daughters-to-retaliate-if-their-husbands-slap-them-emir-sanusi/ | |
2024/12/09 | The Source Magazine | “Beat Your Wife, Get Deposed”, Emir Sanusi Warns Traditional Title Holders | https://thesourceng.com/beat-your-wife-get-deposed-emir-sanusi-warns-traditional-title-holders/ | |
2024/12/09 | PM News | The Emir criticised men who resort to violence against their wives, describing it as prohibited in Islam. | https://pmnewsnigeria.com/2024/12/09/i-told-my-daughters-to-slap-their-husbands-back-if-they-hit-them-emir-sanusi/ | |
2024/12/10 | Leadership | Emir Sanusi Advocates Retaliation Against Domestic Violence | https://leadership.ng/emir-sanusi-advocates-retaliation-against-domestic-violence/ | |
2024/12/10 | Punch | Kano emir threatens removal of title holders beating wives | https://punchng.com/kano-emir-threatens-removal-of-title-holders-beating-wives/ | |
2024/12/09 | The Nation | GBV: It’s forbidden to beat, slap a woman in Islam, says Emir Sanusi | https://thenationonlineng.net/gbv-its-forbidden-to-beat-slap-a-woman-in-islam-says-emir-sanusi/ | |
2024/12/10 | Vanguard | Beating your wife or beating your daughter or beating a woman is Haram (forbidden) | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2024/12/gbv-i-told-my-daughters-to-retaliate-if-their-husbands-slap-them-emir-sanusi/ | |
2024/12/09 | Punch | GBV: Sanusi II slams wife beating, seeks legal reform | https://punchng.com/gbv-sanusi-ii-threatens-to-strip-titles-of-wife-beating-chiefs/ | |
2024/12/09 | Daily Trust | GBV: I tell my daughters to retaliate if their husbands slap them –Emir Sanusi | https://dailytrust.com/gbv-i-tell-my-daughters-to-retaliate-if-their-husbands-slap-them-emir-sanusi/ | |
2024/12/09 | Sahara Reporters | Emir Of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Vows To Dethrone Title Holders Who Beat Their Wives | Emir Of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Vows To Dethrone Title Holders Who Beat Their Wives | Sahara Reporters | |
2024/11/10 | The Nation | dRPC trains 50 Sharia Court judges, 40 Imams on GBV | https://thenationonlineng.net/drpc-trains-50-sharia-court-judges-40-imams-on-gbv/ | |
2024/11/10 | Vanguard | Group Seeks ties with Shari’a Judges to eradicate gender-based violence | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2024/11/group-seeks-ties-with-sharia-judges-to-eradicate-gender-based-violence/ | |
2024/11/10 | The Syndicate | Sharia Court Judges must give protection to GBV victims – Lawyers | https://thesyndicate.com.ng/sharia-court-judges-must-give-protection-to-gbv-victims-lawyers/ | |
2024/11/10 | Aluta News | MOL Emphasizes Role of Sharia Court Judges in Gender-Base Violence Prevention | MOL Emphasizes Role of Sharia Court Judges in Gender-Base Violence Prevention - Aluta News | |
2024/11/07 | Daily Trust | Leaders unite against gender-based violence | https://dailytrust.com/leaders-unite-against-gender-based-violence/ | |
2024/11/06 | Daily Trust | The 2024 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey Summary and the Health of the Nation– Implications for the Honourable Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare | https://dailytrust.com/the-2024-nigeria-demographic-health-survey-summary-and-the-health-of-the-nation-implications-for-the-honourable-coordinating-minister-of-health-and-social-welfare/ | |
2024/10/30 | NTA (PAWED) | Women Empowerment: dRPC and NIPSS advocate the Domestication of the National WEE policy | https://youtu.be/VjU_GR3A7t8 | |
2024/08/29 | TRT Africa | Yunƙurin magance cin zarafin mata a Nijeriya | https://fb.watch/uf-Cqupz2g/ | |
2024/07/25 | Nigerian Tribune (PAWED) | Kwara govt partners with MINILS, dRPC on women’s economic empowerment | https://tribuneonlineng.com/kwara-govt-partners-with-minils-drpc-on-womens-economic-empowerment/ | |
2024/07/25 | The Sun (PAWED) | Kano govt, DRPC moves to domestic National Policy on Women Economic Empowerment policy | https://thesun.ng/kano-govt-drpc-moves-to-domestic-national-policy-on-women-economic-empowerment-policy/ | |
2024/07/24 | ARTV News (PAWED) | ARTV News coverage of the domestication WEE policy in Kano State | https://youtu.be/asMpPffaXvw | |
2024/07/24 | AIT (PAWED) | Women Empowerment: Kano State Govt. distributes N50,000 each to 5,200 women | https://youtu.be/QcPV7x0axTg | |
2024/07/18 | Radio Nigeria | NASS harps on equitable access to healthcare services | https://radionigeria.gov.ng/2024/07/18/nass-harps-on-equitable-access-to-healthcare-for-nigerians/ | |
2024/07/18 | ICIR | National Assembly, others demand better healthcare for Nigerians | https://www.icirnigeria.org/national-assembly-others-demand-better-healthcare-for-nigerians/ | |
2024/07/18 | Science Nigeria | Legislative Summit On Health Advocates Comprehensive Reforms | https://sciencenigeria.com/legislative-summit-on-health-advocates-comprehensive-reforms/ | |
2024/07/18 | AIT (PAWED) | WEE activity in Plateau State | https://youtu.be/eY-_EFL1pu4 | |
2024/07/10 | Nigeria Health Watch | Economic Strains and Contraceptive Barriers are Putting Reproductive Rights at Risk in Nigeria | https://articles.nigeriahealthwatch.com/economic-strains-and-contraceptive-barriers-are-putting-reproductive-rights-at-risk-in-nigeria/ | |
2024/07/12 | The Promptnews Online | Investing in family planning can reduce maternal mortality by 30% – FG | https://promptnewsonline.com/investing-in-family-planning-can-reduce-maternal-mortality-by-30-fg/ | |
2024/07/13 | Healthwise (Punch) | FG says investing in family planning can reduce maternal mortality by 30% | https://healthwise.punchng.com/fg-says-investing-in-family-planning-can-reduce-maternal-mortality-by-30/ | |
2024/07/09 | People's Daily | Lack of census in 18 years hamper Nigeria’s devt ‑NPC, NBS, UNFPA others | https://www.peoplesdailyng.com/lack-of-census-in-18-years-hamper-nigerias-devt-%e2%80%91npc-nbs-unfpa-others/ | |
2024/07/13 | Punch | Plans to pay family planning counterpart contribution underway – FG | https://punchng.com/plans-to-pay-family-planning-counterpart-contribution-underway-fg/ | |
2024/07/13 | Premium Times | World Population Day: Experts want sub-national governments to tackle population control | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/712818-world-population-day-experts-want-sub-national-governments-to-tackle-population-control.html | |
2024/07/12 | Premium Times | Experts Discuss Role of Family Planning in Addressing Nigeria's Demographic Challenges (Live Updates) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/712299-experts-discuss-role-of-family-planning-in-addressing-nigerias-demographic-challenges-live-updates.html | |
2024/07/11 | Daily Nigerian | WCD: dRPC, CFAN organise policy dialogue on livestock cooperatives, climate adaptation | https://dailynigerian.com/wcd-drpc-cfan-organise-policy/ | |
2024/07/12 | Science Nigeria | Investing In Family Planning Can Reduce Maternal Mortality By 30% – FG | https://sciencenigeria.com/investing-in-family-planning-can-reduce-maternal-mortality-by-30-fg/ | |
2024/07/14 | ICIR | Nigeria may face more crises if its population surpasses US, presidency warns | https://www.icirnigeria.org/nigeria-may-face-more-crises-if-its-population-surpasses-us-presidency-warns/ | |
2024/07/12 | AIT | Addressing population crises-Presidency calls for investment in Reproductive Health, Family Planning | https://youtu.be/Ha7iAsVptnk | |
2024/05/31 | Vanguard (PAWED) | Why states must domesticate Women Economic Empowerment Policy — PAWED | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2024/05/why-states-must-domesticate-women-economic-empowerment-policy-pawed/ | |
2024/04/16 | Punch (PAWED) | Commissioners to drive economic policy for women at grassroot level | https://punchng.com/commissioners-to-drive-economic-policy-for-women-at-local-levels/ | |
2024/06/06 | The Nation (PAWED) | Group hails Tinubu, urges states to domesticate WEE Policy | https://thenationonlineng.net/group-hails-tinubu-urges-states-to-domesticate-wee-policy/ | |
2024/06/27 | Leadership (PAWED) | Kano Govt To Domesticate Women Economic Empowerment Policy | https://leadership.ng/kano-govt-to-domesticate-women-economic-empowerment-policy/ | |
2024/06/28 | NTA (PAWED) | Women Empowerment: NGO urges domesticating National Women Economic Empowerment Policy Document | https://youtu.be/MkAnYslSF0w | |
2024/05/08 | The Sun | Experts Advocate for Increased Private Sector Investment in Telemedicine | https://sunnewsonline.com/experts-advocate-for-increased-private-sector-investment-in-telemedicine/ | |
2024/05/09 | Daily Trust | NACHPN 2024: Experts Advocate Unified Policy For Telemedicine | https://dailytrust.com/nachpn-2024-experts-advocate-unified-policy-for-telemedicine/ | |
2024/05/09 | Medical World Nigeria | NACHPN 2024: EXPERTS ADVOCATE UNIFIED POLICY FOR TELEMEDICINE | https://medicalworldnigeria.com/post/NACHPN-2024-EXPERTS-ADVOCATE-UNIFIED-POLICY-FOR-TELEMEDICINE?pid=69622 | |
2024/05/08 | Independent Post | NACHPN 2024: Experts calls for a unified policy to guide telemedicine practice In Nigeria | https://independentpost.ng/nachpn-2024-experts-calls-for-a-unified-policy-to-guide-telemedicine-practice-in-nigeria/ | |
2024/05/09 | NTA | Healthcare Delivery-Kano Govt organizes workshop for Community Health Practitioners
| https://youtu.be/TnSJJyOVSlU | |
2024/04/16 | Chronicles Live (PAWED) | Commissioners converge on Abuja for domestication of Nigeria’s Women’s Economic Empowerment Policy (LIVE UPDATES) | https://chronicleslive.com/commissioners-converge-on-abuja-for-domestication-of-nigerias-womens-economic-empowerment-policy-live-updates/ | |
2024/04/17 | Premium Times (PAWED) | WEE Policy: Policymakers, advocates recommend cooperative societies to reach women at grassroots | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/gender/686807-wee-policy-policymakers-advocates-recommend-cooperative-societies-to-reach-women-at-grassroots.html | |
2024/04/16 | Premium Times (PAWED) | Commissioners converge on Abuja for domestication of Nigeria’s Women’s Economic Empowerment Policy (LIVE UPDATES) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/686444-commissioners-converge-on-abuja-for-domestication-of-nigerias-womens-economic-empowerment-policy-live-updates.html | |
2024/04/16 | 120 Edge News (PAWED) | Commissioners of Women Affairs discuss domestication of Women’s Economic policy at subnational levels | https://120edgenews.com/commissioners-of-women-affairs-discuss-domestication-of-womens-economic-policy-at-subnational-levels/ | |
2024/04/20 | Leadership (PAWED) | Commissioners Commit To Implementation Of Women Empowerment | https://leadership.ng/commissioners-commit-to-implementation-of-women-empowerment/ | |
2024/04/16 | Punch (PAWED) | Commissioners to drive economic policy for women at grassroot level | https://punchng.com/commissioners-to-drive-economic-policy-for-women-at-local-levels/?amp | |
2024/04/17 | The Guardian (PAWED) | Women Commissioners meet on economic policies | https://guardian.ng/news/women-commissioners-meet-on-economic-policies/ | |
2024/04/20 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | Women Affairs Commissioners Move To Advance Empowerment Policy | https://dailytrust.com/women-affairs-commissioners-move-to-advance-empowerment-policy/ | |
2024/04/05 | Premium Times (PAWED) | Nigeria develops framework to implement Women’s Economic Empowerment policy | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/more-news/683441-nigeria-develops-framework-to-implement-womens-economic-empowerment-policy.html | |
2024/04/08 | The Guardian (PAWED) | Group calls for tracking of women empowerment project | https://guardian.ng/news/group-calls-for-tracking-of-women-empowerment-projects/ | |
2024/04/05 | Punch Health Wise (PAWED) | ‘Sustainable economic empowerment interventions ‘ll elevate women’s status’ | https://healthwise.punchng.com/sustainable-economic-empowerment-interventions-ll-elevate-womens-status/ | |
2024/04/04 | Punch (PAWED) | Stakeholders seek economic empowerment for women | https://punchng.com/stakeholders-seek-economic-empowerment-for-women/?amp | |
2024/04/16 | AIT (PAWED) | AIT-Women's Economic Empowerment: Women Affairs Commissioners brainstorm on domestication of National Policy | https://youtu.be/ctJvDM_SIpQ | |
2024/04/16 | NTA (PAWED) | Women's Economic Empowerment: Women Affairs Commissioners brainstorm on domestication of National Policy | https://youtu.be/31tZm0kCxGA | |
2024/04/04 | AIT (PAWED) | Women's Economic Empowerment: Nigeria Develops Framework to implement WEE policy | https://youtu.be/-DzruP-XGzc | |
2024/03/07 | RealNews | Stakeholders seek gender responsive financing to end poverty | https://realnewsmagazine.net/stakeholders-seek-gender-responsive-financing-to-end-poverty/ | |
2024/03/05 | AllAfrica (Education) | Nigeria: Education Policy Leads to Increased Girls Enrollment, Reduced Child Marriage in North-West Nigeria - Report | https://allafrica.com/stories/202403050179.html | |
2024/03/12 | NTA (PAWED) | Late Edition On Investing In Women (Interview with Dr Dayil Plangsat) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARUDDPTz1T8 | |
2023/09/13 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | FG Awards DRPC For Contributing To Women’s Empowerment | https://dailytrust.com/fg-awards-drpc-for-contributing-to-womens-empowerment/ | |
2024/02/28 | Premium Times (Education) | New report reviews gender responsiveness of education sector plans in Nigerian states | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/gender/672558-new-report-reviews-gender-responsiveness-of-education-sector-plans-in-nigerian-states.html | |
2024/03/05 | Premium Times (Education) | Education policy leads to increased girls enrollment, reduced child marriage in north-west Nigeria — Report | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/gender/674288-education-policy-leads-to-increased-girl-enrollment-reduced-child-marriage-in-north-west-nigeria-report.html | |
2024/02/29 | News 24 (PAWED) | MINISTRY OF WOMEN AFFAIRS BRAINSTORMS WITH PARTNERS | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU8KDbkKbe8 | |
2023/12/09 | AIT(Safe School/GBV) | GENDER BASE VIOLENCE: Hisba Charged To Combat Rising Cases | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLQJq1EO-jY | |
2023/11/30 | AIT News | Primary Healthcare: Experts seek alternative ways to finance system | https://youtu.be/S9DJAPZM__Y | |
2023/11/26 | Punch | NGO, Kano, Kaduna seek domestic funding for family planning | https://punchng.com/ngo-kano-kaduna-seek-domestic-funding-for-family-planning/ | |
2023/11/25 | The Guardian | Stakeholders advocate increased family planning for reduced maternal mortality | https://guardian.ng/news/stakeholders-advocate-increased-family-planning-for-reduced-maternal-mortality/ | |
2023/11/08 | Solace Base | CSO Writes Gov Yusuf To Investigate Alleged Hidden Agenda In AGILE Project | https://solacebase.com/cso-writes-gov-yusuf-to-investigate-alleged-hidden/ | |
2023/11/01 | The Guardian | dRPC, ALiGN, spotlights gender norms, bias in media | https://guardian.ng/news/drpc-align-spotlights-gender-norms-bias-in-media/ | |
2023/11/01 | Premium Times | Nigerian media unfair, biased in reporting women in appointive positions – Report | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/639024-nigerian-media-unfair-biased-in-reporting-women-in-appointive-positions-report.html | |
2023/10/31 | Daily Trust | ‘Media Not Gender Sensitive To Women In Appointive Positions’ | https://dailytrust.com/media-not-gender-sensitive-to-women-in-appointive-positions/ | |
2023/10/17 | AIT News | Nigeria Healthcare: National Assembly urged to improve budgetary allocation of sector | https://youtu.be/z15ZBrY474U | |
2023/09/30 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | Centre Urges Tinubu To Implement Economic Empowerment Policy For Women | https://dailytrust.com/centre-urges-tinubu-to-implement-economic-empowerment-policy-for-women/ | |
2023/09/30 | Head tpoics (PAWED) | Groups urge Nigerian govt to implement its Women’s Empowerment Policy | https://headtopics.com/ng/groups-urge-nigerian-govt-to-implement-its-women-s-empowerment-policy-45588399 | |
2023/09/29 | newslodge (PAWED) | Groups urge Nigerian government to implement its women empowerment policy | https://www.newslodge.com.ng/groups-urge-nigerian-government-to-implement-its-women-empowerment-policy/ | |
2023/09/29 | Premium Time (PAWED) | Groups urge Nigerian govt to implement its Women’s Empowerment Policy | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/629436-groups-urge-nigerian-govt-to-implement-its-womens-empowerment-policy.html | |
2023/09/28 | AIT (PAWED) | Nigeria Women Empowerment-dRPC Gender Activist urge government to implement National Policy | https://youtu.be/XBnr9Ihg9wI | |
2023/09/04 | Radio Nigeria (Safe School) | TRCN tasks Teachers on technology, self development | https://radionigeria.gov.ng/2023/09/04/trcn-tasks-teachers-on-technology-self-development/ | |
2023/09/02 | The Authority (Safe School) | Annual conference : TRCN urges Nigerian teachers to embrace technology | https://authorityngr.com/2023/09/02/annual-conference-trcn-urges-nigerian-teachers-to-embrace-technology/ | |
2023/09/01 | The Guardian (GBV-Safe School) | GBV: Stakeholders task teachers on safe schools | https://guardian.ng/news/gbv-stakeholders-task-teachers-on-safe-schools/ | |
2023/09/01 | Daily Trust (GBV-Safe School) | Stakeholders Ask States To Develop Laws To Tackle GBV In Schools | https://dailytrust.com/stakeholders-ask-states-to-develop-laws-to-tackle-gbv-in-schools/ | |
2023/09/01 | Leadership(Safe School) | TRCN Tasks Teachers On Technology, Self-Development | https://leadership.ng/trcn-tasks-teachers-on-technology-self-development/ | |
2023/08/31 | The Guardian(Safe School) | GBV: Stakeholders task teachers on code of conduct for safe schools | https://guardian.ng/news/gbv-stakeholders-task-teachers-on-code-of-conduct-for-safe-schools/ | |
2023/08/30 | AIT (GBV-Safe School) | GBV- Teachers in Nigeria urged to check menace in school | https://youtu.be/b0AUEMRX5FM | |
2023/06/17 | Premium Times | Gynaecologists list what Nigeria must do to tackle maternal, infant mortality | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/605111-gynaecologists-list-what-nigeria-must-do-to-tackle-maternal-infant-mortality.html | |
2023/06/14 | Punch | Gates foundation, groups to tackle maternal death | https://punchng.com/gates-foundation-nigerian-groups-to-tackle-maternal-death/ | |
2023/06/09 | AIT (PAWED) | Family Planning: Population experts set agenda for the new administration | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3rMm3eo3Jc | |
2023/05/20 | AIT (PAWED) | Gender inequality: Panel seeks sustainable policy for women | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqHchJQoA3k | |
2023/04/20 | Leadership (FF-GBV) | NGO Mobilises Imams To Use Ramadan Preaching For GBV Awareness | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Obkibi1RnX2fNlbv0IVz31sX6EvHvi12/view?usp=sharing | |
2023/04/18 | Stallion Times (FF-GBV) | GBV Awareness: CADI Mobilizes 60 Congregational Imams, Preachers | https://stalliontimes.com/2023/04/18/gbv-awareness-cadi-mobilizes-60-congregational-imams-preachers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gbv-awareness-cadi-mobilizes-60-congregational-imams-preachers | |
2023/04/17 | The Conclave (FF-GBV) | NGO mobilises Imams, preachers on use of Ramadan congregations for GBV awareness | https://www.theconclaveng.com/ngo-mobilises-imams-preachers-on-use-of-ramadan-congregations-for-gbv-awareness/ | |
2023/02/28 | This Day (PAWED) | Buhari Inaugurates Advisory Committee to Advance Women’s Economic Empowerment | https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2023/02/26/buhari-inaugurates-advisory-committee-to-advance-womens-economic-empowerment/ | |
2023/02/23 | Daily Trust (FF) | dRPC Trains Sokoto Hisbah Officials On GBV | https://dailytrust.com/drpc-trains-sokoto-hisbah-officials-on-gbv/ | |
2023/02/23 | Trust TV (FF-GBV) | VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: Hisbah In Kano To Apply Islamic Law To Punish Violators | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXOIoLbFrvk | |
2023/02/20 | Jagora News (FF) | Zamfara Govt. Vows To Implement Policies Towards Protection Of Gender Based Violence | https://jagoramedianews.blogspot.com/2023/02/zamfara-govt-vows-to-implement-policies.html | |
2023/02/19 | The Authority | How pregnant woman can know if her baby is not healthy-Prof Ladipo | https://authorityngr.com/2023/02/19/how-pregnant-woman-can-know-if-her-baby-is-not-healthy-prof-ladipo/ | |
2023/02/19 | New telegraph | Nigeria’s High Rate Of Maternal Deaths Shameful- Experts | https://www.newtelegraphng.com/nigerias-high-rate-of-maternal-deaths-shameful-experts/ | |
2023/02/19 | Daily Post | Prioritise maternal, child healthcare – Journalists to incoming leaders | https://dailypost.ng/2023/02/19/prioritise-maternal-child-healthcare-journalists-to-incoming-leaders/ | |
2023/02/18 | World Stage | Nigeria: Health experts charge FG to make antenatal, family planning free | https://www.worldstagenews.com/2023/02/18/nigeria-health-experts-charge-fg-to-make-antenatal-family-planning-free/ | |
2023/02/18 | Blue Print | Fund impediment negatively affectfamily planning targets – FG | https://www.blueprint.ng/fund-impediment-negatively-affectfamily-planning-targets-fg/ | |
2023/02/17 | DailyPost | More funding needed to prosecute family planning interventions – FG | https://dailypost.ng/2023/02/17/more-funding-needed-to-prosecute-family-planning-interventions-fg/ | |
2023/02/17 | Vanguard | Why we developed Private Sector Engagement Strategy on Sexual, Reproductive Health — FG | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2023/02/why-we-developed-private-sector-engagement-strategy-on-sexual-reproductive-health-fg/ | |
2023/02/17 | Premium Times | Health experts advocate free maternal health services in Nigeria | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/582570-health-experts-advocate-free-maternal-health-services-in-nigeria.html | |
2023/02/17 | Royal News | Experts Advocates Better Healthcare Funding, Free Maternal Health Services, Family Planning | https://royalnews.com.ng/experts-advocates-better-healthcare-funding-free-maternal-health-services-family-planning/ | |
2023/02/17 | Nigeria Tribune | Funding difficulties impede family planning service provision ― FG | https://tribuneonlineng.com/funding-difficulties-impede-family-planning-service-provision-%E2%80%95-fg/ | |
2023/02/17 | ICIR | ‘Only 6.5m women use modern methods of contraception in Nigeria’ | https://www.icirnigeria.org/only-6-5m-women-use-modern-methods-of-contraception-in-nigeria/ | |
2023/02/16 | The Nation (FF) | Stakeholders seek play-based learning for children | https://thenationonlineng.net/stakeholders-seek-play-based-learning-for-children/ | |
2023/02/16 | The Nation (PAWED) | National Devt. Plan: Fed Govt seeks N298.3tr private sector investment | https://thenationonlineng.net/national-devt-plan-fed-govt-seeks-n298-3tr-private-sector-investment/ | |
2023/02/15 | The Guardian (PAWED) | NIPPS, dRPC decry poor implementation of socio-economic policies targeting households, women | https://guardian.ng/news/nipps-drpc-decry-poor-implementation-of-socio-economic-policies-targeting-households-women/ | |
2023/02/15 | Trust TV (FF) | Play-Based Learning: Stakeholders urge increased ECCDE policy implementation in schools | https://youtu.be/L4aBCv_yG6w | |
2023/02/13 | NTA (PAWED) | Women Empowerment: FG launches National Policy Document | https://youtu.be/tYZnYMxSBis | |
2023/02/13 | AIT (PAWED) | M&E: FG launches National Policy to track implementation of National Plan | https://youtu.be/mM55K6zjMxI | |
2023/02/13 | Trust TV (PAWED) | Strengthening transparency & accountability: FG launches National Policy on M&E | https://youtu.be/uyqoWjZ9Yec | |
2023/02/13 | Leadership (PAWED) | Federal Govt Tasked On Preparedness Against Future Pandemics | https://leadership.ng/federal-govt-tasked-on-preparedness-against-future-pandemics/ | |
2023/02/13 | Leadership (PAWED) | Effective Monitoring, Evaluation Key To Successful Implementation Of National Dev’t Plan – Federal Govt | https://leadership.ng/effective-monitoring-evaluation-key-to-successful-implementation-of-national-devt-plan-federal-govt/ | |
2023/02/09 | The Guardian (PAWED) | Post-COVID-19 effect worsening gender poverty, experts affirm | https://guardian.ng/news/post-covid-19-effect-worsening-gender-poverty-experts-affirm/ | |
2023/02/09 | The Nation (PAWED) | N10.62b COVID-19 intervention fund allocated to women, youths | https://thenationonlineng.net/n10-62b-covid-19-intervention-fund-allocated-to-women-youths/ | |
2023/02/08 | 120Edge News (PAWED) | Only N10 billion out of one trillion naira Covid-19 intervention funds allocated to women-PAWED | https://120edgenews.com/2023/02/08/only-n10-billion-out-of-one-trillion-naira-covid-19-intervention-funds-allocated-to-women-drcp/ | |
2022/12/15 | AIT (GBV-FF Buid Project) | Stakeholders And Hisba Commanders Dialogue On Ways Of Ending Gender Base Violence | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJxfQN9yWnc | |
2022/12/10 | Voice of Africa- Hausa (GBV-FF) | An Yi Taron Bita Ga Jami’an Hisba Kan Muhimmancin Kare Mata Da Yara A Iyali | https://www.voahausa.com/a/yadda-aka-gudanar-da-taron-bita-ga-jami-an-hisba-kan-muhimmancin-kare-mata-da-yara/6870745.html | |
2022/12/10 | AIT News (GBV-FF Build Project) | GBV-Kano Emirate commits to protection of women, girls | https://youtu.be/1SY699ZPK18 | |
2022/12/08 | Voice of Africa- Hausa (GBV-FF) | Hisbah na fama da kalubalen warware matsalolin mata da yara rano | https://www.voahausa.com/a/hisbah-na-fama-da-kalubalen-warware-matsalolin-mata-da-yara-rano-/6865621.html | |
2022/12/08 | AIT (GBV-FF) | AIT media coverage on NCWS conference on GBV | https://youtu.be/dehoW0dRupE | |
2022/12/08 | NTA (GBV-FF) | NTA media coverage on NCWS conference on GBV | https://youtu.be/LQZLpuPkTbE | |
2022/12/08 | Leadership (GBV-FF) | Group Trains Hisbah Commanders On GBV Issues In Kano (leadership.ng) | https://leadership.ng/group-trains-hisbah-commanders-on-gbv-issues-in-kano/ | |
2022/12/08 | Trust TV (GBV-FF) | Violence against women-Hisbah in Kano to apply Islamic Law to punish violators | https://youtu.be/rXOIoLbFrvk | |
2022/12/06 | NTA (GBV-FF) | dRPC, FOMWAN, CADI and Al-Nas Consult ltd organizes a three-day GBV workshop for Hisbal officials | https://youtu.be/n5h1dIBjwNc | |
2022/11/26 | NTA | Reducing maternal mortality: Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics committed to achieving SDGs | https://youtu.be/nFByb1ayL74 | |
2022/11/26 | Trust TV | Reproductive Health: Gynaecologist express worry over poor family planning | https://youtu.be/lMlueSue3Do | |
2022/11/25 | NTA (GBV/SS/FF) | Education innovation summit: Four teachers rewarded at WATIP award ceremony in Lagos | https://youtu.be/BAwozWHj4eA | |
2022/11/25 | AIT | Health: Emir of Bichi charged District Heads, village and head wards for routine immunization | https://youtu.be/ZT6mc1JVhCI | |
2022/11/25 | Daily Trust | After NGO’s Intervention, Kano LG Hospital To Get Medical Doctor | https://dailytrust.com/after-ngos-intervention-kano-lg-hospital-to-get-medical-doctor/ | |
2022/11/18 | The Guardian (PAWED) | Stakeholders push for increased financial inclusion for vulnerable groups | https://guardian.ng/news/stakeholders-push-for-increased-financial-inclusion-for-vulnerable-groups/ | |
2022/11/18 | NTA (PAWED) | NCWD empowers 115 women, girls with skills in male dominated fields | https://youtu.be/b-A4MYFuUBM | |
2022/11/17 | The News Chronicle (PAWED) | United Kingdom contributes $100 million to women-owned businesses in Nigeria | https://www.thenews-chronicle.com/united-kingdom-contributes-100-million-to-women-owned-businesses-in-nigeria/ | |
2022/11/16 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | Women Center Organises Capacity Training For 115 Female Artisans | https://dailytrust.com/women-center-organises-capacity-training-for-115-female-artisans/ | |
2022/11/16 | Leadership (PAWED) | NCWD equips 115 women, girls with skills in male dominated fields | https://leadership.ng/ncwd-equips-115-women-girls-with-skills-in-male-dominated-fields/ | |
2022/11/14 | The Guardian | Coalition advocates budget for family planning | https://guardian.ng/news/coalition-advocates-budget-for-family-planning/ | |
2022/11/13 | The Nation (GBV-FF) | AU set to fight child marriage | https://thenationonlineng.net/au-set-to-fight-child-marriage/ | |
2022/11/12 | Daily Trust | Budget 2023: CSOs Want More Funding For Family Planning | https://dailytrust.com/budget-2023-csos-want-more-funding-for-family-planning | |
2022/11/12 | The Nation (PAWED) | NCWS decries drop in budgetary allocation from N103b to N58b | https://thenationonlineng.net/ncws-decries-drop-in-budgetary-allocation-from-n103b-to-n58b/ | |
2022/11/12 | Arise News | 2023 HEALTH BUDGET: ADVOCATES DEMAND FOR FAMILY FUNDING | https://youtu.be/JH_MBH2tcU0 | |
2022/11/12 | Channels News | Family Health Planning: CSOs call on NASS to increase budget allocation | https://youtu.be/Ikl8kqWHv9I | |
2022/11/11 | Science Nigeria | 2023 Budget: Advocates Demand Funding For Family Planning | https://sciencenigeria.com/2023-budget-advocates-demand-funding-for-family-planning/ | |
2022/11/10 | Premium Times (FF) | What Nigeria must do to end child marriages – Experts | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/564662-what-nigeria-must-do-to-end-child-marriages-experts.html | |
2022/11/10 | The Insight (PAWED) | Women lament 56% reduction in 2023 budget for WEE | https://theinsight.com.ng/women-lament-56-reduction-in-2023-budget-for-wee/ | |
2022/11/10 | Trust TV(PAWED) | Trust TV News: NCWS press conference on propose WEE budget | https://youtu.be/-07YdrFScq0 | |
2022/11/10 | Leadership (PAWED) | Groups Decry 56% Reduction In 2023 Budget For Women Empowerment | https://leadership.ng/groups-decry-56-reduction-in-2023-budget-for-women-empowerment-2/ | |
2022/11/10 | Guardian (PAWED) | Despite Buhari’s assurances, 2023 proposed budget undermines women, group decries | https://guardian.ng/news/despite-buharis-assurances-2023-proposed-budget-undermines-women-group-decries/ | |
2022/11/09 | AIT News (PAWED) | 2023 Budget-Nigerian women call for increase allocation for economy-related activities | https://studio.youtube.com/video/fagpzsjdfJA/edit | |
2022/11/09 | 120Edge News (PAWED) | NCWS decries drop in Women Economic Empowerment budget from N108 billion to N58 billion | https://120edgenews.com/2022/11/09/ncws-decries-drop-in-women-economic-empowerment-budget-from-n108-billion-to-n58-billion-6/ | |
2022/11/04 | The Nation | 2022 amended health budget: Not a good year for the sector | https://thenationonlineng.net/2022-amended-health-budget-not-a-good-year-for-the-sector/ | |
2022/11/03 | Guardian | ‘2023 proposed national budget for health not sufficient to improve sector’ | https://guardian.ng/features/2023-proposed-national-budget-for-health-not-sufficient-to-improve-sector/?mc_cid=0f96c16cf6&mc_eid=76c7937802 | |
2022/11/02 | AIT | Maternal and Child Mortality: Group Advocate for Providing Good Services | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fHsgEbl3d8 | |
2022/10/31 | This Day | 2023 BUDGET AND THE HEALTH SECTOR | https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2022/10/31/2023-budget-and-the-health-sector/ | |
2022/10/29 | The Nation (PAWED) | Women advised not to sell their votes | https://thenationonlineng.net/women-advised-not-to-sell-their-votes/ | |
2022/10/28 | Arise TV (PAWED/Safe School) | Importance of girl child education | https://youtu.be/TRb3qx33P68 | |
2022/10/27 | Leadership (PAWED) | 2023 Campaigns: CSOs Canvass Agenda For Women’s Economic Empowerment | https://leadership.ng/2023-campaigns-csos-canvass-agenda-for-womens-economic-empowerment/ | |
2022/10/27 | Trust TV (PAWED/SafeSchool) | Girl Child Development: Gender advocates demand safer school to curb early marriage | https://youtu.be/MFomKJrPXjo | |
2022/10/21 | Global Upfront | Brain Drain In Health Sector Worsens As Nigeria Now Has One Doctor To 10, 000 Patients, Says NIPSS | https://globalupfront.com/2022/10/20/brain-drain-in-health-sector-worsens-as-nigeria-now-has-one-doctor-to-10-000-patients-says-nipss/ | |
2022/10/21 | AIT News | Health sector: Stakeholders move to curb brain drain, seek improved conditions | https://youtu.be/gaSTjfBpKjk | |
2022/10/21 | Daiy Trust | NIGERIA DAILY: How Nigeria Is Losing Its Doctors To Brain Drain | https://dailytrust.com/nigeria-daily-how-nigeria-is-losing-its-doctors-to-brain-drain | |
2022/10/20 | The Nigerian Lawyers | Brain Drain In Health Sector Worsens: Nigeria Now Has One Doctor To 10, 000 Patients, Says NIPSS | https://thenigerialawyer.com/brain-drain-iin-health-sector-worsens-nigeria-now-has-one-doctor-to-10-000-patients-says-nipss/ | |
2022/10/20 | Nairaland Forum | Brain Drain Worsens: Nigeria Now Has One Doctor To 10, 000 Patients, Says NIPSS - Health - Nairaland | https://www.nairaland.com/7391929/brain-drain-worsens-nigeria-now | |
2022/10/20 | The Nation | Brain drain: Nigeria loses 9,000 doctors to UK, U.S., Canada in two years | https://thenationonlineng.net/brain-drain-nigeria-loses-9000-doctors-to-uk-u-s-canada-in-two-years/ | |
2022/10/20 | 21st Century Chronicle | Nigeria has 24,000 practicing doctors – NMA | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/nigeria-has-24000-practicing-doctors-nma/ | |
2022/10/20 | Within Nigeria | Brain drain: FG, MBA decry mass emigration of healthcare professionals | https://www.withinnigeria.com/news/2022/10/20/brain-drain-fg-mba-decry-mass-emigration-of-healthcare-professionals/ | |
2022/10/20 | Punch | Nigeria has one doctor to 10,000 patients – NMA | https://punchng.com/nigeria-has-one-doctor-to-10000-patients-nma/ | |
2022/10/20 | VON | Brain Drain: Nigerian Government Urged To Meet 15% Health Budget | https://von.gov.ng/brain-drain-nigerian-government-urged-to-meet-15-health-budget/ | |
2022/10/20 | The guardian | Stakeholders brainstorm as human capital flight takes toll on economy | https://guardian.ng/news/stakeholders-brainstorm-as-human-capital-flight-takes-toll-on-economy/ | |
2022/10/20 | Leadership | Brain Drain In Health Sector Worsens: Nigeria Now Has One Doctor To 10, 000 Patients, Says NIPSS | https://leadership.ng/brain-drain-in-health-sector-worsens-nigeria-now-has-one-doctor-to-10-000-patients-says-nipss/ | |
2022/10/19 | Premium Times | Brain Drain: dRPC, experts, others discuss implications on Nigeria’s health sector (LIVE UPDATES) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/560402-brain-drain-drpc-health-experts-others-discuss-implications-on-health-service-delivery-live-update.html | |
2022/10/19 | State Flash | 15% budgetary allocation to health sector will curb brain drain- NIPSS boss | https://stateflash.com/15-budgetary-allocation-to-health-sector-will-curb-brain-nipss-boss | |
2022/10/19 | HTSyndication | Brain Drain: dRPC, experts, others discuss implications on Nigeria's health sector (LIVE UPDATES) | https://www.htsyndication.com/premium-times/article/brain-drain%3A-drpc%2C-experts%2C-others-discuss-implications-on-nigeria-s-health-sector--live-updates-/65509295 | |
2022/10/19 | Afro News Cast | NIGERIA: BRAIN DRAIN – DRPC, EXPERTS, OTHERS DISCUSS IMPLICATIONS ON NIGERIA’S HEALTH SECTOR (LIVE UPDATES) | https://afronewscast.com/nigeria-brain-drain-drpc-experts-others-discuss-implications-on-nigerias-health-sector-live-updates/ | |
2022/10/18 | ICiR Nigeria | Coalition lauds FG for proposing highest budget for health since 2015 | https://www.icirnigeria.org/coalition-lauds-fg-for-proposing-highest-budget-for-health-since-2015/ | |
2022/10/18 | Head Topics | 2023 Health Budget: Group commends FG, ask for improved funding of BHCPF | https://headtopics.com/ng/2023-health-budget-group-commends-fg-ask-for-improved-funding-of-bhcpf-30835820 | |
2022/10/17 | Vanguard | 2023 Health Budget: CSOs commend FG, seek improved funding of BHCPF | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2022/10/2023-health-budget-csos-commend-fg-seek-improved-funding-of-bhcpf/ | |
2022/10/17 | Independent | 2023 Health Budget: Group Hails FG, Ask For Improved Funding Of BHCPF | https://independent.ng/2023-health-budget-group-hails-fg-ask-for-improved-funding-of-bhcpf/ | |
2022/10/12 | Premium Times | 2023 Budget: Health gets highest allocation ever but fails to meet AU commitment | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/559213-2023-budget-health-gets-highest-allocation-ever-but-fails-to-meet-au-commitment.html | |
2022/10/04 | Leadership (PAWED) | Federal Govt Commited To Women, Youth Development-Eniade | https://leadership.ng/federal-govt-commited-to-women-youth-development-eniade/ | |
2022/10/02 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | DRPC Hosts Capacity Training For Women In Business | https://dailytrust.com/drpc-hosts-capacity-training-for-women-in-business | |
2022/10/01 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | It’s Unfortunate Women Still Suffer Financial Exclusion In Nigeria – AWITA | https://dailytrust.com/its-unfortunate-women-still-suffer-financial-exclusion-in-nigeria-awita | |
2022/09/29 | AIT News (PAWED) | Women Economic Empowerment-Forum to enhance capacity in strategic planning, grant application | https://youtu.be/QXtuY3--z9g | |
2022/09/29 | Trust TV (PAWED) | National Economic Council-Participants call for collaborative approach to empowerment | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKx2Ek6KVco | |
2022/09/28 | Trust TV (PAWED) | Women-Youth Employment-Development partners strengthen skills in strategic leadership | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR4LRG_HaFM | |
2022/09/28 | NTA (PAWED) | Women's Economic Empowerment-Experts discuss about the importance of data | https://youtu.be/n9U_CE1s4Qw | |
2022/09/26 | Nigeria Health Watch | Lessons from Dakar: How Peer Learning and Capacity Strengthening of CSOs Impacts Africa’s Development | https://nigeriahealthwatch.com/lessons-from-dakar-how-peer-learning-and-capacity-strengthening-of-csos-impacts-africas-development/ | |
2022/09/19 | Punch | Healthcare funding: Don’t depend only on aid, loans, groups tell govts | https://healthwise.punchng.com/healthcare-funding-dont-depend-only-on-aid-loans-groups-tell-govts/ | |
2022/09/18 | Daily Trust | 208 Steps To The Great African Renaissance Monument In Dakar | https://dailytrust.com/208-steps-to-the-great-african-renaissance-monument-in-dakar | |
2022/09/17 | AIT (Safe School) | Stakeholders on education hamper on safe school opening in Nigeria | https://fb.watch/fGvCGKnSDF/ | |
2022/09/10 | Daily Trust (Safe School) | ‘One In Every Three Children In Nigeria Is Out Of School’ | https://dailytrust.com/one-in-every-three-children-in-nigeria-is-out-of-school | |
2022/08/25 | NTA | dRPC-NIPSS hold dialogue to promote health governance at local level | https://youtu.be/K9_nhM1RS4M | |
2022/08/12 | Trust TV News (PAWED) | Gender mainstreaming-Policy makers urged to integrate women's economic development | https://youtu.be/EUoZgl2IwNg | |
2022/08/12 | AIT News (PAWED) | Women Economic Development-Forum wants more advocacy, communications to increase participation in energy industry | https://youtu.be/SBeF9Ai_wbA | |
2022/07/27 | Trust TV News (PAWED) | Agricultural gender policy-MDAs urged to empower women to boost food security, economy | https://youtu.be/Fgmbgs2_jNQ | |
2022/07/26 | AIT (Safe School) | Girl Child Education-Forum wants government to adopt plans with flexible implementation | https://youtu.be/I_Tdo9nMKOY | |
2022/07/11 | NTA | WORLD POPULATION DAY: Harnessing population for National Development | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnw9YZHyW_k | |
2022/07/02 | Nigeria Health Watch | Transitioning Nigeria’s National Population Policy: From Policy to Implementation | https://nigeriahealthwatch.com/transitioning-nigerias-national-population-policy-from-policy-to-implementation/ | |
2022/06/29 | Trust TV News (PAWED) | Cooperatives financing-Harnessing benefits to drive economic development | https://youtu.be/Ebka6BgWJds | |
2022/06/29 | The Nation (PAWED) | Cooperatives generate $2.98tr yearly | https://thenationonlineng.net/cooperatives-generate-2-98tr-yearly/ | |
2022/06/29 | ABC News (PAWED) | Global cooperative day: dRPC, PAWED, others hold national-symposium | https://abcnews.com.ng/2022-global-cooperative-day-drpc-pawed-others-hold-national-symposium/ | |
2022/06/28 | Premium Times (PAWED) | Global Cooperative Day: CFAN, dRPC hold symposium in Abuja (LIVE UPDATES) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/539597-global-cooperative-day-cfan-drpc-hold-symposium-in-abuja-live-updates.html | |
2022/06/28 | AIT News (PAWED) | Women Cooperatives-Forum tasks govt, private sectors to explore model, review policy | https://youtu.be/mol6U_y7jgQ | |
2022/06/27 | Premium Times (PAWED) | CFAN, dRPC to hold symposium on sustaining women’s economic cooperatives in Nigeria | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/539513-cfan-drpc-to-hold-symposium-on-sustaining-womens-economic-cooperatives-in-nigeria.html | |
2022/06/23 | Daily Trust | Unmanaged Population Growth, Time Bomb – Osinbajo | https://dailytrust.com/unmanaged-population-growth-time-bomb-osinbajo | |
2022/06/23 | Premium Times | Inadequate management of Nigeria’s growing population is ticking time bomb – Osinbajo | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/538663-inadequate-management-of-nigerias-growing-population-is-ticking-time-bomb-osinbajo.html | |
2022/06/23 | AIT News (PAWED) | Economic Development-Group trains women on advocacy communication to improve gender equality | https://youtu.be/XU_dlTo0R6E | |
2022/06/21 | The Nation | Fed Govt tackles poverty with multidimensional index | https://thenationonlineng.net/fed-govt-tackles-poverty-with-multidimensional-index/ | |
2022/06/21 | Channels TV | Population Management-Key players meet to discuss opportunities, threats | https://youtu.be/pA40ZKogwDc | |
2022/06/20 | Premium Times | NIPSS, policymakers discuss Nigeria’s new population policy (LIVE UPDATES) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/538096-nipss-policymakers-discuss-nigerias-new-population-policy-live-updates.html | |
2022/06/14 | AIT News | Family planning-Stakeholders discuss on the importance of routine immunization | https://youtu.be/DW63rrwbE7o | |
2022/06/02 | Independent (PAWED) | NAWIA Challenges Female Chairmen-Elect In Benue On Women Empowerment | https://independent.ng/nawia-challenges-female-chairmen-elect-in-benue-on-women-empowerment/ | |
2022/06/01 | Vanguard (PAWED) | NAWIA honours nine female LG Chairmen-elect in Benue, charge them on women empowerment | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2022/06/nawia-honours-nine-female-lg-chairmen-elect-in-benue-charge-them-on-women-empowerment/ | |
2022/05/20 | SSDO (PAWED) | PAWED Policy Dialogue Session | https://southsaharan.org/report-on-the-pawed-policy-dialogue-session-held-by-ssdo-in-enugu-state-on-28th-april-2022/ | |
2022/05/20 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | Women Decry Mining Activities In Benue Community | https://dailytrust.com/women-decry-mining-activities-in-benue-community | |
2022/05/02 | AIT News | Community Health Practitioners of Nigeria urge FG and State Govt to scale up funding for RI | https://youtu.be/mXIjl90dDm4 | |
2022/05/01 | Arise News | More Funding Needed for Immunisation | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_YagtUHWVA | |
2022/05/01 | Daily Trust | Community Health Practitioners Decry High Child Mortality From Vaccine-Preventable Diseases | https://dailytrust.com/community-health-practitioners-decry-high-child-mortality-from-vaccine-preventable-diseases | |
2022/04/27 | Premium Times | Experts, CSOs discuss vaccine production in Africa | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-interviews/526205-experts-csos-discuss-vaccine-production-in-africa-live-updates.html | |
2022/04/18 | News Agency of Nigeria (PAWED) | Increased funding of women panacea to climate change, environmental degradation | https://www.nannews.ng/2022/04/18/increased-funding-of-womens-empowerment-programmes-panacea-to-climate-change-environmental-degradation/ | |
2022/04/12 | AIT News (PAWED) | AIT News: WEE-Trade Minister, Coalition synergize to improve systems and opportunities | https://youtu.be/0rcDDR1wNfk | |
2022/04/11 | 120 Edge News (PAWED) | 30 Journalists trained on reporting Women Economic Empowerment for National Development | https://120edgenews.com/2022/04/11/28-journalists-trained-on-reporting-women-economic-empowerment-for-national-development/ | |
2022/04/08 | Independent (PAWED) | Empowerment Of Women Will Impact Positively On Nation’s Economy – Ndanusa | https://independent.ng/empowerment-of-women-will-impact-positively-on-nations-economy-ndanusa/ | |
2022/03/29 | Global Circulate | Policymakers, CSOs Advocate Family Planning To Address Nigeria’s Population Growth | https://globalcirculate.com/policymakers-csos-advocate-family-planning-to-address-nigerias-population-growth/ | |
2022/03/29 | Global Circulate | Covid: diabetes linked to infection studies find | https://globalcirculate.com/covid-diabetes-linked-to-infection-studies-find/ | |
2022/03/28 | Leadership | Federal Govt Checks Population Growth With Fertility Control | https://leadership.ng/federal-govt-checks-population-growth-with-fertility-control/ | |
2022/03/26 | The Nation | ‘Fed Govt committed to birth control’ | https://thenationonlineng.net/fed-govt-committed-to-birth-control/ | |
2022/03/25 | VON (PAWED) | IWD: Women Traders Tasked To Unite To Influence Government Policies | https://von.gov.ng/2022/03/25/iwd-women-traders-tasked-to-unite-to-influence-government-policies/ | |
2022/03/23 | Premium Times | Policymakers, CSOs advocate family planning to address Nigeria’s population growth | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/519154-policymakers-csos-advocate-family-planning-to-address-nigerias-population-growth.html | |
2022/03/18 | SSDO (PAWED) | Women Economic Empowerment: The PAWED Report | https://southsaharan.org/women-economic-empowerment-the-pawed-report/ | |
2022/03/15 | Premium Times (PAWED) | CSOs advocate more involvement of women in Nigeria’s economic development | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/517509-csos-advocate-more-involvement-of-women-in-nigerias-economic-development.html | |
2022/03/15 | Premium Times (PAWED) | PAWED, others discuss women involvement in economic development (LIVE UPDATE) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/gender/517315-pawed-others-discuss-women-involvement-in-economic-development-live-update.html | |
2022/03/10 | News Diary (PAWED) | ‘Organize, don’t agonize’, Aremu hails women’s struggle against barriers for inclusion | https://newsdiaryonline.com/organize-dont-agonize-aremu-hails-womens-struggle-against-barriers-for-inclusion/ | |
2022/03/10 | Nigerian Post | Health experts urge FG to promote Family Planning financing in Nigeria Through Partnership | https://thenigerianpost.com.ng/2022/03/10/health-experts-urge-fg-to-promote-family-planning-financing-in-nigeria-through-partnership/ | |
2022/03/10 | Nigerian Post (PAWED) | Issa Aremu rallies support for Women's Cause, urges President Buhari, Osinbajo and governors to support bills | https://thenigerianpost.com.ng/2022/03/10/issa-aremu-rallies-support-for-womens-cause-urges-president-buhari-osinbajo-and-governors-to-support-bills/ | |
2022/03/09 | Choice Reporters | Health Experts Urge FG To Promote Family Planning in Nigeria Through Partnership | https://choicereporters.com/2022/03/09/health-experts-urge-fg-to-promote-family-planning-in-nigeria-through-partnership/ | |
2022/03/09 | AIT | FP Financing-Medical experts call for public/private partnership | https://youtu.be/OaXDFe1BtBE | |
2022/03/09 | Global Reference Point | Experts urge FG to promote Family Planning financing Through Partnership | https://globalreferencepoint.com/experts-urge-fg-to-promote-family-planning-financing-through-partnership/2022/03/09/20/46/08/news/olawale/ | |
2022/03/08 | The Reporters (PAWED) | Issa Aremu Rallies Support For Women’s Cause | https://thereporters.com.ng/2022/03/08/issa-aremu-rallies-support-for-womens-cause/ | |
2022/03/08 | Choice Reporters (PAWED) | Issa Aremu Urges President Buhari, Governors To Support Gender Bills | https://choicereporters.com/2022/03/08/issa-aremu-urges-president-buhari-governors-to-support-gender-bills/ | |
2022/03/07 | Daily Trust | Int’l Women’s Day: Coalition Wants More Funding For Women’s Health | https://dailytrust.com/intl-womens-day-coalition-wants-more-funding-for-womens-health | |
2022/03/07 | Choice Reporters | 2022 Int’l Women’s Day: Coalition of Women Urge Govt to Address Challenges Facing Women | https://choicereporters.com/2022/03/07/2022-intl-womens-day-coalition-of-women-urge-govt-to-address-challenges-facing-women/ | |
2022/03/07 | The Nigerian Post | 2022 Int'l Women's Day: Coalition of Women Decried Challenges Faced | https://thenigerianpost.com.ng/2022/03/07/2022-intl-womens-day-coalition-of-women-decried-challenges-faced/ | |
2022/03/07 | Voice of Nigeria | Women’s Day: Coalition calls for women friendly policies in the health sector | https://von.gov.ng/2022/03/07/womens-day-coalition-calls-for-women-friendly-policies-in-the-health-sector/ | |
2022/03/06 | AIT (GBV-Safeschool) | Education development: dRPC trains various stakeholders on Safe School Declaration | https://youtu.be/pVR7B5O60Q8 | |
2022/03/05 | Leadership (PAWED) | Climate Change: Federal Govt Supports 6,000 Rural Women Farmers With Gas Cylinders | https://leadership.ng/climate-change-federal-govt-supports-6000-rural-women-farmers-with-gas-cylinders/ | |
2022/03/03 | AIT (PAWED) | Climate change-FG, CSOs train women farmers on tackling deforestation | https://youtu.be/lYIFWPwjoVI | |
2022/02/28 | The Guardian (PAWED) | Group tasks FG on economic plans for women, youths | https://guardian.ng/news/group-tasks-fg-on-economic-plans-for-women-youths/ | |
2022/02/25 | AIT (PAWED) | Economic Empowerment-FG, AfDB, ECOWAS to empower 50 million Nigerian women | https://youtu.be/ittyKKf4bCo | |
2022/02/23 | The Nation (PAWED) | ‘Why Edo is prioritising women’s economic empowerment’ | https://thenationonlineng.net/why-edo-is-prioritising-womens-economic-empowerment/ | |
2022/02/23 | This Day (PAWED) | Obaseki’s Administration Prioritising Women Economic Empowerment, Says Edo First Lady | https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2022/02/23/obasekis-administration-prioritising-women-economic-empowerment-says-edo-first-lady/ | |
2022/02/23 | Afemai (PAWED) | ‘Why Edo Is Prioritising Women’s Economic Empowerment’ | https://afemaireporters.com.ng/why-edo-is-prioritising-womens-economic-empowerment/ | |
2022/02/23 | AIT (PAWED) | Edo Women Empowerment-State Government, NGOs dialogue to upgrade women | https://youtu.be/DOYrRlwSMwU | |
2022/02/23 | Punch (PAWED) | Edo govt committed to women empowerment – First Lady | https://punchng.com/edo-govt-committed-to-women-empowerment-first-lady/ | |
2022/02/22 | Business Day (PAWED) | Edo earmarks 60% of N2bn MSMEs fund to women empowerment | https://businessday.ng/news/article/edo-earmarks-60-of-n2bn-msmes-fund-to-women-empowerment/ | |
2022/02/22 | Premium Times (PAWED) | Policymakers, CSOs, others discuss women’s economic empowerment in Edo | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/512921-policymakers-csos-others-discuss-womens-economic-empowerment-in-edo-live-updates.html | |
2022/02/18 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | PAWED Tasks Edo Gov’t On Women Empowerment | https://dailytrust.com/pawed-tasks-edo-govt-on-women-empowerment | |
2022/02/08 | Daily Trust | COVID-19: How To Tackle Challenges Of Routine Immunisation Financing | https://dailytrust.com/covid-19-how-to-tackle-challenges-of-routine-immunisation-financing | |
2022/02/02 | AIT (PAWED) | Improving cashew export-FG told to implement policies to include women's access | https://youtu.be/9I-bMSy9Dj0 | |
2022/02/01 | AIT (PAWED) | Women in export-Groups want involvement in promotion | https://youtu.be/6clkvz5dTLA | |
2022/01/20 | NTA (PAS) | NTA News: Immunization funding - stakeholders brainstorm on challenges & opportunities | https://youtu.be/M_aeq4-ltoU | |
2022/01/13 | Education Monitor News (Education) | Joint dRPC, UNICEF Workshop Identifies New Major Threats to Girl Child Education | https://educationmonitornews.com/joint-drpc-unicef-workshop-identifies-new-major-threats-to-girl-child-education/ | |
2021/12/18 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | The Partnership for Women and Economic Development (PAWED) has charged the Edo State Government to increase funding for women’s economic empowerment in the state | https://dailytrust.com/pawed-tasks-edo-govt-on-women-empowerment | |
2021/12/18 | AIT (PAWED) | Edo Women Empowerment-CSOs ask for more policies, programs for females | https://youtu.be/4yaX0GqcmO8 | |
2021/12/16 | My School News (Education) | Insecurity: As Gov’ts, Communities Strategizes To Make School Safe | https://myschoolnews.com.ng/insecurity-as-gov-ts-communities-strategizes-to-make-school-safe/12209 | |
2021/12/15 | The Nation (PAWED) | 10 ministries get N47b for women projects | https://thenationonlineng.net/10-ministries-get-n47b-for-women-projects/amp/ | |
2021/12/14 | 21st Century Chronicle (PAWED) | How council on SMEs will spur economic growth, reduces insecurity – SMEDAN boss | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/how-council-on-smes-will-spur-economic-growth-reduces-insecurity-smedan-boss/ | |
2021/12/14 | AIT (PAWED) | Economic Empowerment Programs-Women told to monitor interventions geared towards them | https://youtu.be/XjutgW_ZDwQ | |
2021/12/09 | Leadership (GBV/Safe School) | CSOs Brainstorm On Insecurity In Schools | https://leadership.ng/csos-brainstorm-insecurity-in-schools/ | |
2021/12/09 | The Nation (GBV/Safe School) | Nipping bullying in the bud | https://thenationonlineng.net/nipping-bullying-in-the-bud/ | |
2021/12/09 | The Nation (GBV/Safe School) | CSOs cry out over FGC pupils, others abducted since June | https://thenationonlineng.net/csos-cry-out-over-fgc-pupils-others-abducted-since-june/ | |
2021/12/07 | Choice Reporters | Buhari Aisha Calls For Gender Inclusiveness To Enhance Women Participation | https://choicereporters.com/2021/12/07/buhari-aisha-calls-for-gender-inclusiveness-to-enhance-women-participation/ | |
2021/12/06 | NTA (GBV/Safe School) | Safe schooling: Stakeholders discuss on security & safe learning environment | https://youtu.be/n1eb885RK0E | |
2021/12/06 | NTA (GBV/Safe School) | NTA News: Safe schooling: Stakeholders discuss on security & safe learning environment | https://youtu.be/HHbosazO3E8 | |
2021/12/06 | Nigeria Health Watch | NGOs Congratulate the Buhari Administration for the Federal Ministry of Health’s unquestionable Commitment to Saving Women’s Lives | https://nigeriahealthwatch.com/ngos-congratulate-the-buhari-administration-for-the-federal-ministry-of-healths-unquestionable-commitment-to-saving-womens-lives/ | |
2021/12/06 | AIT (GBV/Safe School) | AIT News: Safe schools-CSOs tasked to increase advocacy to end insecurity | https://youtu.be/UYnHHgmMaL0 | |
2021/12/06 | 21st Century Chronicle (GBV) | Civil society groups want enhanced security for schools | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/civil-society-groups-want-enhanced-security-for-schools/ | |
2021/12/04 | Arise News (PAWED) | Women Economic Empowerment - Entrepreneurs want more empowerment | https://youtu.be/pE5hozOa9mI | |
2021/12/03 | 21st Century Chronicle (PAWED) | Women to FG: Implement Executive Order 5 on procurement | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/women-to-fg-implement-executive-order-5-on-procurement/ | |
2021/12/02 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | Women Groups Demand More Economic Programmes From Government | https://dailytrust.com/women-groups-demand-for-more-economic-programmes-from-government | |
2021/12/01 | 21st Century Chronicle (PAWED) | ‘Only 2% of women work in Nigeria’s formal sector’ | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/only-2-of-women-work-in-nigerias-formal-sector/ | |
2021/11/30 | AIT (PAWED) | Women Empowerment - NCWD trains more women on leadership & entrepreneurship | https://youtu.be/XT3xPjXpC5g | |
2021/11/30 | NTA (PAWED) | Women Empowerment - NCWD trains more women on leadership & entrepreneurship | https://youtu.be/qXYgn6RlYl4 | |
2021/11/22 | AIT (PAWED) | Covid & the Economy-Women told to maximize opportunities created by pandemic | https://youtu.be/hML-qWXUf9Y | |
2021/11/11 | ThisDay (PAWED) | Groups Train 35 Women Leaders of Cooperatives | https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2021/11/11/groups-train-35-women-leaders-of-cooperatives/ | |
2021/11/09 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | PAWED, LAPO Train 35 Heads Of Edo Women’s Cooperatives | https://dailytrust.com/pawed-lapo-train-35-heads-of-edo-womens-cooperatives | |
2021/11/09 | Punch | Buhari asks Senate to confirm Omotayo as NIPSS DG | https://punchng.com/buhari-asks-senate-to-confirm-omotayo-as-nipss-dg/ | |
2021/11/01 | Channels TV | 2022 Proposed health budget-Senate Committee faults health Ministry's 2021 performance | https://youtu.be/hz45eNYaZl4 | |
2021/10/31 | The Nation (PAWED) | Institute, others urge Kwara to make provision for women in 2022 budget | https://thenationonlineng.net/institute-others-urge-kwara-to-make-provision-for-women-in-2022-budget/amp/ | |
2021/10/30 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | 2022 Budget: CSOs Demand More Allocation For Women | https://dailytrust.com/2022-budget-csos-demand-more-allocation-for-women | |
2021/10/30 | NTA (PAWED) | Women Economic Empowerment - Key players call for improvement in investment, data gathering | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmFt_wx3nfw | |
2021/10/30 | AIT (PAWED) | Women Economic Empowerment - Key players call for improvement in investment, data gathering | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNbc3p41clI | |
2021/10/29 | Daily Nigerian (PAWED) | 2022 budget: CSOs want more allocation for women | https://dailynigerian.com/budget-csos-allocation-women/ | |
2021/10/29 | 21st Century Chronicle (PAWED) | 2022 budget: CSOs want more allocation for women | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/2022-budget-csos-want-more-allocation-for-women/ | |
2021/10/28 | NTA (PAWED) | NTA News Coverage on MINILS-PAWED Training in Kwara State | https://youtu.be/QsZ7kZJVjh0 | |
2021/10/26 | Victory News | Kaduna State Primary Healthcare Board conducted a two-days workshop on the 2022 Annual Operational Workplan Bottleneck Analysis | https://youtu.be/Q-2ygCh0R84 | |
2021/10/26 | AIT | Healthcare Service - Experts advocate for more funding | https://youtu.be/nR-B9jJKM2g | |
2021/10/24 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | FG Reiterates Commitment To Gender Equality, Women Empowerment – Minister | https://dailytrust.com/fg-reiterates-commitment-to-gender-equality-women-empowerment-minister | |
2021/10/24 | Leadership (PAWED) | FG Committed To Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment – Tallen | https://leadership.ng/fg-committed-to-gender-equality-womens-empowerment-tallen/ | |
2021/10/21 | NTA (PAWED) | NTA Coverage-Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and partners retreat | https://youtu.be/iT0hy6v5DfA | |
2021/10/18 | AIT | 2022 Proposed Health Budget, Key players want Family Planning allocation captured | https://youtu.be/bMW_ehrw534 | |
2021/10/15 | Daily Trust (Education) | DRPC, US Mark World Teachers Day In Kano | https://dailytrust.com/drpc-us-mark-world-teachers-day-in-kano | |
2021/10/14 | Premium Times | 2022 Budget Proposal: Advocates kick as Nigeria makes no provision for family planning | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/489820-2022-budget-proposal-advocates-kick-as-nigeria-makes-no-provision-for-family-planning.html | |
2021/10/14 | Premium Times | 2022 Budget Proposal: Advocates kick as Nigeria makes no provision for family planning | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/489820-2022-budget-proposal-advocates-kick-as-nigeria-makes-no-provision-for-family-planning.html | |
2021/10/14 | 21st Century Chronicle | 2022: Despite threats of population explosion, Nigeria plans zero funding for family planning | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/2022-despite-threats-of-population-explosion-nigeria-plans-zero-funding-for-family-planning/ | |
2021/10/05 | Premium Times | World Contraception Day 2021: Lagos, dRPC others assess commitment to family planning (LIVE UPDATES) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/488219-world-contraception-day-2021-lagos-drpc-others-assess-commitment-to-family-planning-live-updates.html | |
2021/09/28 | Daily Trust | World Contraception Day: CSOs Decry Poor Funding, Neglect Of Family Planning In Nigeria | https://dailytrust.com/world-contraception-day-csos-decry-poor-https:/dailytrust.com/world-contraception-day-csos-decry-poor-funding-neglect-of-family-planning-in-nigeria | |
2021/09/28 | 21st Century Chronicle | CSOs seek adequate funding of family planning in Nigeria | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/csos-seek-adequate-funding-of-family-planning-in-nigeria/ | |
2021/09/28 | NTA | FP-CSOs advocate improved funding | https://youtu.be/3YTdoQd6O_U | |
2021/09/28 | Blueprint | WCD – CSOs call for adequate funding, prioritization of family planning in Nigeria | https://www.blueprint.ng/wcd-csos-call-for-adequate-funding-prioritization-of-family-planning-in-nigeria/ | |
2021/09/28 | AIT | 28th Sept 2021 WCD CSOs engage govt on funding of FP | https://youtu.be/hgG1P_TRYFk | |
2021/09/25 | AIT | Family Planning-KNSG provide free reproductive maternal & child health services to control child spacing | https://youtu.be/w7I7Q3h9rPI | |
2021/09/22 | Vaiety News (PAWED) | NIPSS, dRPC, Finance ministry to monitor women's economic empowerment intervention programmes | https://veritynewsonline.com/2021/09/22/nipssdrpc-finance-ministry-inaugurates-twg-to-monitor-womens-economic-empowerment-wee-intervention-programmes/ | |
2021/09/22 | Business Day (PAWED) | FG, CSOs inaugurate technical group to monitor economic intervention for women | https://businessday.ng/news/article/fg-csos-inaugurate-technical-group-to-monitor-economic-intervention-for-women/ | |
2021/09/22 | NTA (PAWED) | NTA News-NIPSS-FMoF-inauguration of M& E technical working group for WEE | https://youtu.be/1ginPZ8vc80 | |
2021/09/22 | AIT (PAWED) | AIT News: FG CSOs inaugurate technical group to monitor economic intervention for women | https://youtu.be/11X50zymxpE | |
2021/09/22 | Leadership (PAWED) | Federal Govt Inaugurates Technical Group To Track Women Economic Empowerment Implementation | https://leadership.ng/federal-govt-inaugurates-technical-group-to-track-women-economic-empowerment-implementation/ | |
2021/09/22 | The Nation (PAWED) | Govt to track projects’ implementation | https://thenationonlineng.net/govt-to-track-projects-implementation/ | |
2021/09/21 | 21st Century Chronicle (PAWED) | Ministry, NIPSS, dRPC to track budget on women empowerment | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/ministry-nipss-drpc-to-track-budget-on-women-empowerment/ | |
2021/09/14 | Channels News | Channels News: Open Governance Structure- Fayemi, others ask for more citizens participation | https://youtu.be/FKJoaWoxlvI | |
2021/08/29 | AIT (PAWED) | WEE-Experts wants FG to give desired priority | https://youtu.be/m1v2zvaDsyU | |
2021/08/29 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | Women Education, empowerment will curb insurgency-Tallen | https://drive.google.com/file/d/19hUblSCdgusJ1NyQvX_hAdxBltftXaV1/view?usp=sharing | |
2021/08/28 | Daily Post (PAWED) | Women empowerment panacea for Nigeria’s problems – Pauline Tallen | https://dailypost.ng/2021/08/28/women-empowerment-panacea-for-nigerias-problems-pauline-tallen/ | |
2021/08/26 | Independent (PAWED) | An Empowered Woman Can Fight Banditary, HIV Spread – Pauline Tallen | https://independent.ng/an-empowered-woman-can-fight-banditary-hiv-spread-pauline-tallen/ | |
2021/08/22 | The Guardian (PAWED) | FG moves to strengthen projects tracking, monitoring systems | https://guardian.ng/news/fg-moves-to-strengthen-projects-tracking-monitoring-systems/ | |
2021/08/18 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | FG To Introduce Tools For Monitoring Projects Implementation | https://dailytrust.com/fg-to-introduce-tools-for-monitoring-projects-implementation | |
2021/08/18 | Punch (PAWED) | FG to monitor, evaluate projects with tracker | https://punchng.com/fg-to-monitor-evaluate-projects-with-tracker/?amp | |
2021/08/18 | 21st Century Chronicle (PAWED) | FG to deploy trackers to monitor projects – Minister | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/fg-to-deploy-trackers-to-monitor-projects-minister/ | |
2021/08/18 | AIT (PAWED) | WEE-Forum calls for proper monitoring & evaluation of programmes | https://youtu.be/2njIWxTOvvc | |
2021/08/17 | NTA (PAWED) | NTA 17th Aug 2021 NIPSS-FG to develop web application to track funds | https://youtu.be/OjTdbPoA9cs | |
2021/08/17 | Leadership (PAWED) | Federal Govt Adopts New Approach To Projects’ Implementation | https://leadership.ng/federal-govt-adopts-new-approach-to-projects-implementation/ | |
2021/08/17 | NewsDigest (PAWED) | FG introduces tracker to monitor implementation of projects- Minister | https://newsdigest.ng/implementation-of-projects-minister/ | |
2021/08/13 | Punch (PAWED) | FG urges political parties to support women in politics | https://punchng.com/fg-urges-political-parties-to-support-women-in-politics/?amp | |
2021/08/12 | The Guardian (PAWED) | Keyamo urges political parties to reserve exclusive seats for women | https://guardian.ng/news/keyamo-urges-political-parties-to-reserve-exclusive-seats-for-women/ | |
2021/08/10 | Leadership (PAWED) | FG, NASS Working On Constitutional Recognition For Women – Keyamo | https://leadership.ng/fg-nass-working-on-constitutional-recognition-for-women-keyamo/ | |
2021/08/10 | 21st Century Chronicle (PAWED) | Constitutional review to recognise women financial inclusion – Minister | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/constitutional-review-to-recognise-women-financial-inclusion-minister/ | |
2021/08/10 | The Summit (PAWED) | Live Up To Your Agreement With Workers, Festus Keyamo Urges FG | https://summitpostnews.com/2021/08/10/live-up-to-your-agreement-with-workers-festus-keyamo-urges-fg/ | |
2021/08/09 | NewsDigest (PAWED) | FG working to ensure constitutional recognition for women economic empowerment- Keyamo | https://newsdigest.ng/fg-working-to-ensure/ | |
2021/08/09 | AIT (PAWED) | 9TH AUG 2021 WEC-Labour Minister Assures Women inclusion in key sectors | https://youtu.be/hawhBpOPQtc | |
2021/08/09 | NTA (PAWED) | 9th Aug 2021-Constitutional Review-FG Assures women of meaningful recognition | https://youtu.be/HsSnG54uXxc | |
2021/07/29 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | ‘Why More Women Roles Key For Economy’ | https://dailytrust.com/why-more-women-roles-key-for-economy | |
2021/07/29 | TVC News (PAWED) | Group Advocates Increased Support For Women Led Businesses | https://youtu.be/tTtyv-K4kkA | |
2021/07/27 | 21st Century Chronicle (PAWED) | Government policies fail to address women’s economic empowerment needs – dRPC | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/government-policies-fail-to-address-womens-economic-empowerment-needs-drpc/ | |
2021/07/27 | SILVERBIRD TV (PAWED) |
2021/07/27 | News Digest (PAWED) | Capacity Building Workshop on Women’s Economic Empowerment | https://newsdigest.ng/capacity-building-workshop-on-women/ | |
2021/07/27 | Daily Nigeria (PAWED) | dPRC organizes workshop on women economic empowerment in Lagos | https://dailynigerian.com/dprc-organizes-workshop-women/ | |
2021/07/21 | Punch (GBV) | FG kicks against early marriage for girl child | https://punchng.com/fg-kicks-against-early-marriage-for-girl-child/?amp | |
2021/07/19 | Daily Nigerian (GBV) | Nigerian govt committed to ending child marriage, gender-based violence – Minister | https://dailynigerian.com/nigerian-govt-committed-child/ | |
2021/07/18 | The Nation (GBV) | FG, AU countries to end child marriage | https://thenationonlineng.net/fg-au-countries-to-end-child-marriage/amp/ | |
2021/07/17 | Leadership (GBV) | Federal Govt Vows To End Child Marriage, Gender-based Violence | https://leadership.ng/federal-govt-vows-to-end-child-marriage-gender-based-violence/ | |
2021/07/16 | The News Digest (GBV) | Ending Child Marriage: FG reiterates commitment to save the girl child, other gender-based violence | https://newsdigest.ng/ending-child-marriage-fg/ | |
2021/07/16 | The Guardian (GBV) | Government tasks states on domestication of Child Rights Act | https://guardian.ng/news/government-tasks-states-on-domestication-of-child-rights-act/ | |
2021/07/15 | 21st CENTURY CHRONICLE (GBV) | FG reiterates commitment to save girl child, gender-based violence+ | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/fg-reiterates-commitment-to-save-girl-child-gender-based-violence/ | |
2021/06/27 | NTA (PAWED) | NTA's Media Coverage of WEE Coalition report from Niger State 26th-27th June 2021 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buHrVeZVEcc | |
2021/06/27 | Eagle Online (PAWED) | More women need to be empowered to boost economy — Prof. Kuta | https://theeagleonline.com.ng/more-women-need-to-be-empowered-to-boost-economy-prof-kuta/ | |
2021/06/27 | Golden News (PAWED) | 'More Women need to be empowered to boost Nigeria's economy'- Prof. Kuta Yahaya | https://goldennewsng.com/2021/06/27/more-women-need-to-be-empowered-to-boost-nigerias-economy-prof-kuta-yahaya/ | |
2021/06/11 | The News Digest (GBV) | DRPC Calls For Stronger Commitment In Fighting Gender-Based Violence In West Africa | https://newsdigest.ng/drpc-calls-for-stronger-commitment/ | |
2021/06/11 | Daily Nigerian (GBV) | dRPC seeks stronger commitment in fighting gender-based violence in Africa | https://dailynigerian.com/drpc-seeks-stronger-commitment/ | |
2021/06/11 | PR Nigeria (GBV) | dRPC Calls for Stronger Commitment in Fighting GBV in West Africa | https://prnigeria.com/2021/06/11/drpc-calls-stronger-gbv-africa/ | |
2021/06/10 | TVC (GBV) | Regional Women Conference Meeting Aims To Strengthen Economic Status Of Women | https://youtu.be/yRjg8e_zP3Q | |
2021/06/10 | NTA (GBV) | NTA media coverage NCWS | https://youtu.be/tzNiMnIxv1g | |
2021/06/10 | The Guardian (GBV) | Buhari gets indigenous handset as wife preaches gender inclusion | https://guardian.ng/news/buhari-gets-indigenous-handset-as-wife-preaches-gender-inclusion/ | |
2021/06/10 | AIT (GBV) | 10th June 2021 AIT GBV | https://youtu.be/jkERRTc7rqY | |
2021/06/10 | AIT (GBV) | Forum Calls for Properly Run Women co-operative societies | https://youtu.be/jkERRTc7rqY | |
2021/06/10 | Leadership (GBV) | NUJ Condemns Attack On Journalists By DSS, Police In Abuja | https://leadership.ng/nuj-condemns-attack-on-journalists-by-dss-police-in-abuja/ | |
2021/06/10 | Leadership (GBV) | Aisha Buhari Asks States To Empower Women | https://leadership.ng/aisha-buhari-asks-states-to-empower-women/ | |
2021/06/10 | 21 Century chronicle (GBV) | 25% of married women in Nigeria physically abused – Report | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/25-of-married-women-in-nigeria-physically-abused-report/ | |
2021/06/10 | AIT (GBV) | GBV coverage by AIT | https://youtu.be/bZy_jjzlLd0 | |
2021/06/10 | Nairaland (GBV) | dRPC Calls For Stronger Commitment In Fighting Gender-based Violence - Crime - Nairaland | https://www.nairaland.com/6598026/drpc-calls-stronger-commitment-fighting | |
2021/06/07 | Daily Trust (Education) | NIPSS, Edo SUBEB Partner On Basic Education Policy Formulation | https://dailytrust.com/nipss-edo-subeb-partner-on-basic-education-policy-formulation | |
2021/06/05 | ITV (PAWED) | NIPSS ENGAGEMENT WITH EDO-BEST ON ITV-EDOBEST (NIPSS SEC 43 Commends programe, Ask other to emulate) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3lDQfLeWyA&feature=youtu.be | |
2021/05/13 | Leadership (PAWED) | Minister prioritises girl-child education | https://thenationonlineng.net/minister-prioritises-girl-child-education/ | |
2021/05/12 | Daily Trust (PAWED) | We’ll End Gender-Based Violence, Minister Says | https://dailytrust.com/well-end-gender-based-violence-minister-says | |
2021/04/30 | Daily Nigerian | Global Health 2030: Absence of financial risk protection, bane of healthcare delivery in Nigeria – NIPSS | https://dailynigerian.com/global-health-absence/ | |
2021/04/30 | Premium Times | Commemorating World Immunization Week, 2021: The RI experience of the PAS Project | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/promoted/458559-commemorating-world-immunization-week-2021-the-ri-experience-of-the-pas-project.html | |
2021/04/26 | Devex | 2 decades on, Nigeria falls short of landmark health pledge | https://www.devex.com/news/sponsored/2-decades-on-nigeria-falls-short-of-landmark-health-pledge-99555 | |
2021/04/19 | Daily Asset | Group Lauds Niger Govt. For Allocating Funds For Family Planning | https://dailyasset.ng/group-lauds-niger-govt-for-allocating-funds-for-family-planning/ | |
2021/04/19 | Real News | Group lauds Niger Govt. for allocating funds for family planning | https://realnewsmagazine.net/group-lauds-niger-govt-for-allocating-funds-for-family-planning/ | |
2021/04/19 | Premium Times | Groups identify Nigeria’s major impediment to meeting family planning targets | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/more-news/455847-groups-identify-nigerias-major-impediment-to-meeting-family-planning-targets.html | |
2021/04/18 | Nigerian Tribune | Technical Working Group Commends Niger For Allocating Budget Line For Family Planning | https://tribuneonlineng.com/technical-working-group-commends-niger-for-allocating-budget-line-for-family-planning/ | |
2021/04/18 | The Eagle Online | TWG commends Niger for allocating budget line for family planning | https://theeagleonline.com.ng/technical-working-group-commends-niger-for-allocating-budget-line-for-family-planning/ | |
2021/04/18 | News Golden | Family Planning: Group hails Niger govt for allocating Budget line | https://goldennewsng.com/2021/04/18/family-planning-group-hails-niger-govt-for-allocating-budget-line/ | |
2021/04/17 | Daily Nigerian | PACFah@Scale organises webinar to mark 20th anniversary of Abuja Declaration on 15% healthcare budget | https://dailynigerian.com/pacfah-scale-organises-webinar/ | |
2021/04/17 | Nigeria Health Watch | Assessing Nigeria’s Two-Decades Spending on The Health Sector – DRPC Webinar | https://nigeriahealthwatch.com/assessing-nigerias-two-decades-spending-on-the-health-sector-drpc-webinar/ | |
2021/04/16 | Punch (Education) | US embassy, dRPC train 100 teachers in English translation | https://punchng.com/us-embassy-drpc-train-100-teachers-in-english-translation/ | |
2021/04/15 | The Nation (Education) | US embassy, DRPC support 100 English teachers on language translation in Kano | https://thenationonlineng.net/us-embassy-drpc-support-100-english-teachers-on-language-translation-in-kano/ | |
2021/03/31 | 21 Century Chronicle | FG committed to health sector funding – Minister | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/fg-committed-to-health-sector-funding-minister/ | |
2021/03/31 | Leadership | FG Restates Commitment To Child Spacing, Health Sector Funding | https://leadership.ng/fg-restates-commitment-to-child-spacing-health-sector-funding/ | |
2021/03/30 | Daily Trust | Coalition Raises Concern Over COVID-19 Disruptions In Family, Child Health Services | https://dailytrust.com/coalition-raises-concern-over-covid-19-disruptions-in-family-child-health-services | |
2021/03/29 | Daily Trust | Experts Want Family Planning Budget Releases Tracked | https://dailytrust.com/experts-want-family-planning-budget-releases-tracked | |
2021/03/26 | AIT | Adequate FP financing as a strategy for reducing maternal mortality-26th March 2021 | https://youtu.be/xLx85C5W1GY | |
2021/03/26 | AIT | AIT broadcast: Minister of Finance with MWAN-PAS push for effective utilization-26th March 2021 | https://youtu.be/92CKHYx4STQ | |
2021/03/12 | Punch | COVID-19 disrupted access to health services – Group | https://punchng.com/covid-19-disrupted-access-to-health-services-group/?amp=1 | |
2021/03/12 | The Nation | CSOs decry women’s lack of access to family planning, immunization | https://thenationonlineng.net/csos-decry-womens-lack-of-access-to-family-planning-immunization/ | |
2021/03/12 | Daily Trust | Professionals Task Govt On Women’s Health, Gender Equality | https://dailytrust.com/professionals-task-govt-on-womens-health-gender-equality | |
2021/03/08 | NTA | NTAs Good Morning Nigeria-International Women’s Day Part 1-use | https://youtu.be/3A8snaA-mww | |
2021/03/08 | NTA | NTAs Good Morning Nigeria-International Women’s Day Part 2-don’t select | https://youtu.be/PpRx7n-l5Lw | |
2021/03/08 | AIT | Coalition Of Women in the PACFaH@SCALE Project commemorate the 2021 International Women’s Day in Abuja | https://youtu.be/weZq08duICM | |
2021/03/08 | Nigeria Health Watch | Press Statement by the Coalition Of Women in the PACFaH@SCALE Project as they Commemorate the 2021 International Women’s Day in Abuja
Post author
By Nigeria Health Watch
Post date
March 8, 2021
International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on the 8t | https://nigeriahealthwatch.com/press-statement-by-the-coalition-of-women-in-the-pacfahscale-project-as-they-commemorate-the-2021-international-womens-day-in-abuja/ | |
2021/03/08 | 21 Century Chronicle | Women emphasize adequate funding of primary health care | https://21stcenturychronicle.com/women-emphasize-adequate-funding-of-primary-health-care/ | |
2021/03/06 | Daily Trust | COVID-19: Millions Of Children At Risk Of Measles, Polio, Due To Vaccination Disruptions | https://dailytrust.com/covid-19-millions-of-children-at-risk-of-measles-polio-due-to-vaccination-disruptions | |
2020/12/12 | Nigeria Health Watch | Federal Government will implement recommendations of NIPSS on Population Growth and Human Capital Development – President Buhari | https://nigeriahealthwatch.com/federal-government-will-implement-recommendations-of-nipss-on-population-growth-and-human-capital-development-president-buhari/ | |
2020/11/26 | dRPC-Open Society | From School To Work - The Importance of Guidance and Counseling For Secondary School Students | https://youtu.be/Y4W4SR3kiJw | |
2020/11/23 | | Kaduna: OGP Non-state Actors Visit KSHA Over 2021 Immunization Draft Budget
Kaduna: OGP Non-state Actors Visit KSHA Over 2021 Immunization Draft Budget | http://gobroadsheet.com/kaduna-ogp-non-state-actors-visit-ksha-over-2021-immunization-draft-budget/ | |
2020/11/22 | Daily Trust | Solution to fix Nigerias problem,not cybercrime, gangsterism-Expert | https://dailytrust.com/solution-to-fix-nigerias-problem-not-cybercrime-gangsterism-expert | |
633 views•Streamed live on 12 Oct 2020 | https://youtu.be/XKlu4FJOEuI | |
2020/09/29 | dRPC | Full press statement of CSOs commemorating WCD | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqKUaZidRkA&feature=youtu.be | |
2020/09/29 | NTA | Coverage of WCD by NTA sponsored by PACFaH@Scale project-NTA | https://youtu.be/1mN_vG2ZPJ4 | |
2020/09/28 | The Nation | Group decries non-release of family planning budget-The Nation | https://thenationonlineng.net/group-decries-non-release-of-family-planning-budget/ | |
2020/09/28 | Daily Trust | World Contraception Day: CSOs call on FG to support family health-Daily Trust | https://dailytrust.com/world-contraception-day-csos-call-on-fg-to-support-family-health | |
2020/09/26 | Nigeria Health Watch | PAS CSOs call on government to support family health in Nigeria in commemoration of WCD- Nigeria Health Watch | https://nigeriahealthwatch.com/pas-csos-call-on-government-to-support-family-health-in-nigeria-in-commemoration-of-world-contraception-day-september-26-2020/ | |
2020/09/24 | dRPC-Open Society | COVID 19: NGO donates cash to support final year exams | https://goldennewsng.com/2020/09/24/covid-19-ngo-donates-cash-to-support-final-year-exams/ | |
2020/09/22 | dRPC-Open Society | Akwa Ibom: CSO Awards N385,000 Grant To Technical School In Preparation Of NABTEB | https://nationalambassador.com.ng/akwa-ibom-cso-awards-n385000-grant-to-technical-school-in-preparation-of-nabteb/ | |
2020/09/22 | dRPC-Open Society | Group gives N385, 000 grants to technical college in Akwa Ibom | https://www.blueprint.ng/group-gives-n385-000-grants-to-technical-college-in-akwa-ibom/ | |
2020/09/21 | dRPC-Open Society | A’Ibom School receive grant from CSO for NABTEB preparations | http://daybreak.ng/aibom-school-receive-grant-from-cso-for-nabteb-preparations/ | |
2020/09/17 | dRPC-Open Society | COVID-19: Centre Supports Schools To Up Learning, Exam Outcomes | https://dailytrust.com/covid-19-centre-supports-schools-to-up-learning-exam-outcomes | |
2020/09/14 | dRPC-Open Society | NGO donates N.3million to technical, vocational schools to assist in NABTEB exam | https://enugudaily.com/ngo-donates-n-3million-to-technical-vocational-schools-to-assist-in-nabteb-exam/ | |
2020/09/14 | dRPC-Open Society | dRPC Assists NABTEB Exam Candidates With N300,000 | https://geeky.com.ng/drpc-assists-nabteb-exam-candidates-with-n300000/ | |
2020/09/14 | dRPC-Open Society | Kano School win cash support for NAPTEB Students | https://www.pressreader.com/nigeria/daily-trust/20200914/281934545364846 | |
2020/09/14 | dRPC-Open Society | COVID-19: 3 Kano Schools Win Cash Support For NABTEB Students | https://dailytrust.com/covid-19-3-kano-schools-win-cash-support-for-nabteb-students | |
2020/09/12 | dRPC-Open Society | Exit students: NGO supports 30 schools to achieve COVID-19 safety protocols | https://www.naija247news.com/2020/09/12/exit-students-ngo-supports-30-schools-to-achieve-covid-19-safety-protocols/ | |
2020/09/08 | dRPC-Open Society | Webinar Report: Opportunities For Young People In The Face Of COVID19 Pandemic | https://nigerianyouthsdgs.org/webinar-report-opportunities-for-young-people-in-the-face-of-covid19-pandemic/ | |
2020/07/03 | PTJI, dRPC | Securing the Funding Gap for Family Planning in the Face of COVID-19 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg2srtVHktE&feature=youtu.be | |
2020/03/09 | Army Radio | International Womens Day 9th March 2020 | https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tTIUEvX_I-96UPw70zxerOR0Hh4PAdB3 | |
2020/03/09 | Leadership | Women Group Urge Govt To Address Barriers To Achieving Gender Equality | https://leadership.ng/2020/03/09/women-group-urge-govt-to-address-barriers-to-achieving-gender-equality/ | |
2020/03/08 | Guardian | Coalition urges FG to end harmful practices against women | https://guardian.ng/news/coalition-urges-fg-to-end-harmful-practices-against-women/ | |
2020/03/08 | The Nation | Gender equality fundamental to improving women’s health – Group | https://thenationonlineng.net/gender-equality-fundamental-to-improving-womens-health-group/ | |
2020/03/08 | Daily Trust | Women coalition tasks National Assembly on 35% affirmative action | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/women-coalition-tasks-national-assembly-on-35-affirmative-action.html | |
2020/03/08 | dRPC | Women in PAS-International Women's Day-Press briefing | https://youtu.be/5QzKwZp__8k | |
2020/03/08 | Premium Times | IWD: Why Nigeria should give priority to women’s health, gender equality – Group | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/380805-iwd-why-nigeria-should-give-priority-to-womens-health-gender-equality-group.html | |
2020/03/08 | AIT | Women in PAS-International Women's Day-Press briefing | https://youtu.be/_oPJ-gi57lk | |
2020/03/08 | NNN | International Women’s Day: Coalition tasks govts on emergency transportation to pregnant women, children | https://nnn.com.ng/international-womens-day-coalition-tasks-govts-on-emergency-transportation-to-pregnant-women-children/ | |
2020/02/04 | Channels TV | ChannelsTV: 2020 PAN Conference on Rapid Population Growth (discussion) | https://youtu.be/bn2AH1yFMqc | |
2020/01/30 | | dRPC PAS NIPSS AANI Leg Net UHC 3mins | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS-SpSYg2Rs | |
2019/12/12 | | NIPSS Funding UHC Delivery in Nigeria-A Visual Report Summary Draft | https://youtu.be/oS_4ae-Ro34 | |
2019/12/01 | | dRPC PAS 2020 Health Budget Campaign 2-mins Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn0sMZOLkek | |
2019/12/01 | | 2020 national health budget slider show | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-IlXZubcn0 | |
2019/11/25 | | dRPC PAS 2020 National Health Budget Campaign 1min | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnSDNLJLTzo&t=1s | |
2019/11/23 | Premium Times | NIPSS graduates executives who produced report on Nigeria’s Universal Health Coverage (LIVE UPDATES) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-interviews/364752-nipss-graduates-executives-who-produced-report-on-nigerias-universal-health-coverage-live-updates.html | |
2019/11/22 | ChannelsTV | Buhari Pledges Action As NIPSS Submits Report On Universal Healthcare Delivery | https://www.channelstv.com/2019/11/22/buhari-pledges-action-as-nipss-submits-report-on-universal-healthcare-delivery/ | |
2019/10/20 | Independent (PAWED) | NCWS,Others To Honour Female Ministers, Legislators | https://independent.ng/ncwsothers-to-honour-female-ministers-legislators/ | |
2019/10/07 | | WORLD CONTRACEPTION DAY-AHEAD Nigeria | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kNL72MqSzA&t=10s | |
2019/09/25 | | 2019 Goalkeepers Report Communique 25th September 2019 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNjd9nI-aJg | |
2019/09/19 | AIT | PAS Advocates discusses performance of 2019 Health Budget and its implications | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt11hlP1vDY&t=13s | |
2019/09/18 | VON | DISCUSSION ON 2019 HEALTH BUDGET PERFORMANCE BY NANNM-PACFaH@SCALE | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSFUWp1DR28 | |
2019/08/29 | AIT | Kaduna chapter: PACFaH@Scale Coalition advocacy visit to Deputy State Governor | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNtqjogRoaA&t=5s | |
2019/07/16 | TVC News | 1st Annual National Reproductive Health Legacy Forum-In honour of late Prof Babatunde Osotimehin | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfwQhmw0Sg4 | |
2019/05/24 | African News Page | PROMOTED: NIPSS-PAS Study Tour: A Bird’s-eye View of Niger’s Revitalization of PHC System for Universal Healthcare Coverage | https://www.africannewspage.net/2019/05/promoted-nipss-pas-study-tour-a-birds-eye-view-of-nigers-revitalization-of-phc-system-for-universal-healthcare-coverage/ | |
2019/05/23 | The Guardian | Ensuring universal health coverage in Lagos | https://guardian.ng/features/ensuring-universal-health-coverage-in-lagos/ | |
2019/05/17 | Premium Times | #PHC4UHC: Nigeria’s policy experts tour primary health institutions | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-interviews/328721-phc4uhc-nigerias-policy-experts-tour-primary-health-institutions.html | |
2019/05/16 | Premium Times | #PHC4UHC: How technology will drive health insurance in Lagos – Commissioner | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/330171-phc4uhc-how-technology-will-drive-health-insurance-in-lagos-commissioner.html | |
2019/05/15 | Premium Times | #PHC4UHC: How State Health Insurance will be implemented in Lagos – Govt, Experts | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/regional/ssouth-west/330130-phc4uhc-how-state-health-insurance-will-be-implemented-in-lagos-govt-experts.html | |
2019/04/22 | African Newspage | dRPC Awarded Prizes to its Health for National Development Research Fellows | https://www.africannewspage.net/2019/04/promoted-day-drpc-awarded-prizes-certificates-to-its-health-for-development-research-fellows/ | |
2019/04/18 | AIT | NIPSS AND dRPC STRATEGIZE ON ACHIEIVEING UHC | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho_HShD_CCs | |
2019/04/17 | African Newspage | Leveraging OGP Principles to Achieve Accountability in Kaduna’s Implementation of Primary Health Care Under Roof | https://www.africannewspage.net/2019/04/indepth-leveraging-ogp-principles-to-achieve-accountability-in-kadunas-implementation-of-primary-health-care-under-roof/ | |
2019/04/17 | Premium Times | Plagiarism, a major flaw in research – Expert | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/more-news/325899-plagiarism-a-major-flaw-in-research-expert.html | |
2019/04/11 | Daily Trust | ‘Primary Healthcare Key To Universal Health Coverage’ | https://dailytrust.com/primary-healthcare-key-to-universal-health-coverage/ | |
2019/04/11 | AIT | AIT UHC COVERAGE | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGZsIuM8r58 | |
2019/04/10 | Premium Times | What Nigeria must do to achieve universal health coverage – Experts | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/324745-what-nigeria-must-do-to-achieve-universal-health-coverage-experts.html?tztc=1 | |
2019/03/06 | Premium Times | #AHAIC2019 (LIVE UPDATES): Nigerian delegation holds session to bridge child, family health funding gaps | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/317784-ahaic2019-live-updates-nigerian-delegation-holds-session-to-bridge-child-family-health-funding-gaps.html | |
2018/12/19 | AIT | Coalition of civil society: Considative and Innovative way of UHC | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8mlltK-poM | |
2018/12/18 | | AIT UHC COVERAGE | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGZsIuM8r58 | |
2018/12/05 | Premium Times | dRPC, health experts, others discuss family planning in Nigeria (LIVE UPDATES) | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-interviews/299135-drpc-health-experts-others-discuss-family-planning-in-nigeria-live-updates.html | |
2018/11/07 | Leadership | CSOs Strategise To Bridge Health Delivery Gaps In Kano | https://leadership.ng/2018/11/07/csos-strategise-to-bridge-health-delivery-gaps-in-kano-2/ | |
2018/11/07 | Daily Trust | Experts urge FG to mainstream gender in family planning policies | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/topic/family-planning | |
2018/11/05 | Nigeria Health watch | Accountability And Inclusiveness In The Health Sector: DRPC Organizes Retreats For Kano OGP | https://nigeriahealthwatch.com/accountability-and-inclusiveness-in-the-health-sector-drpc-organizes-retreats-for-kano-ogp/ | |
2018/11/04 | Vanguard | Accountability in health sector: DRPC organizes retreat for Kano OGP | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2018/11/accountability-in-health-sector-drpc-organizes-retreat-for-kano-ogp/ | |
2018/11/03 | The Nation | Accountability, inclusiveness in the health sector: dRPC organizes retreats for Kano OGP | http://thenationonlineng.net/accountability-inclusiveness-in-the-health-sector-drpc-organizes-retreats-for-kano-ogp/ | |
2018/11/02 | Premium Times | CSOs hold retreat to bridge service delivery gaps in Kano health sector | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-interviews/293765-live-updates-csos-hold-retreat-to-bridge-service-delivery-gaps-in-kano-health-sector.html | |
2018/11/01 | Governance News | dRPC organizes retreats for Kano OGP on accountability in health sector | https://governancenews.com.ng/2018/11/01/drpc-organizes-retreats-for-kano-ogp-on-accountability-in-health-sector/ | |
2018/11/01 | African Newspage | Accountability in health sector: dRPC organizes retreat for Kano OGP team | https://www.africannewspage.net/2018/11/accountability-in-health-sector-drpc-organizes-retreats-for-kano-ogp-team/ | |
2018/11/01 | Daily Trust | Experts seek inclusion of family, child health in Kano action plan | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/experts-seek-inclusion-of-family-child-health-in-kano-action-plan.html | |
2018/11/01 | Daily Nigerian | Accountability, inclusiveness in health sector: dRPC organizes retreat for Kano OGP | https://dailynigerian.com/accountability-inclusiveness-in-health-sector-drpc-organizes-retreat-for-kano-ogp/ | |
2018/10/31 | | Contemporary Issues in Education Policy Implementation and Financing | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k3B2GvUo9w | |
2018/10/17 | Punch | ‘Family planning can reduce deaths by 30%’ | https://punchng.com/family-planning-can-reduce-deaths-by-30/ | |
2018/10/17 | African Newspage | IN-DEPTH: Stakeholders push for gender integration in Nigeria’s family planning policies | https://www.africannewspage.net/2018/10/in-depth-stakeholders-push-for-gender-integration-in-family-planning-policies-in-nigeria/ | |
2018/10/16 | | Nation FP policy update | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCzvJxnrtDo&t=5s | |
2018/10/13 | Daily Trust | Experts urge FG to mainstream gender in family planning policies | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/experts-urge-fg-to-mainstream-gender-in-family-planning-policies.html | |
2018/09/26 | Daily Nigerian | Family Planning: Stakeholders lament poor funding | https://dailynigerian.com/family-planning-stakeholders-lament-poor-funding/ | |
2018/08/29 | AIT | AIT: Coverage of Task Shifting Task Sharing Workshop Organized by PACFaH@Scale | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw9kfLqc7LU | |
2018/08/29 | AIT | AIT: ROUTINE IMMUNIZATION HIGH LEVEL WORKSHOP BY PACFaH@SCALE | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTpiDD-pDnA | |
2018/08/29 | AIT | AIT: 2018 Health Budget-Experts wants allocation increased from 3.96% | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoLQV2Ih9FQ | |
2018/08/29 | NTA | NTA coverage of RI workshop in Abuja | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3FoqDPkbx4 | |
2018/08/29 | AIT | Kano RI workshop | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5usoDegQLWs | |
2018/08/29 | AIT | Experts meet on Immunization in Nigeria (ROUTINE IMMUNIZATION HIGH LEVEL WORKSHOP BY PACFaH@SCALE) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTpiDD-pDnA&feature=youtu.be | |
2018/08/29 | NTA | NTA coverage of RI workshop in Abuja (Routine Immunization) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3FoqDPkbx4&feature=youtu.be | |
2018/08/29 | AIT | DECLINE IN 2018 HEALTH BUDGET (Inadequate Healthcare funding) | https://youtu.be/ZoLQV2Ih9FQ | |
2018/08/22 | The Guardian | Kano to contribute 5% IGR to health trust fund | https://guardian.ng/news/kano-to-contribute-5-igr-to-health-trust-fund/ | |
2018/08/22 | Daily Trust | Kano to Contribute 5% IGR to Health Trust Fund | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/kano-to-contribute-5-igr-to-health-trust-fund-267014.html | |
2018/08/21 | Leadership | Kano Govt to spend N240m on Healthcare monthly | https://leadership.ng/2018/08/21/kano-govt-spends-n240m-on-healthcare-monthly/ | |
2018/08/21 | The Nation | Kano pledges support for Health Trust Fund at PACFaH@Scale workshop | https://thenationonlineng.net/kano-pledges-support-for-health-trust-fund-at-pacfahscales-workshop/ | |
2018/08/21 | Daily Trust | Kano’s Health Trust Fund gets boost as PACFaH@Scale seeks collaboration | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/kano-s-health-trust-fund-gets-boost-as-pacfah@scale-seeks-collaboration-266826.html | |
2018/08/11 | The Guardian | Experts decry high number of unimmunised children in Nigeria | https://guardian.ng/news/experts-decry-high-number-of-unimmunised-children-in-nigeria/ | |
2018/08/11 | Daily Trust | Experts decry high number of unimmunised children, abandoned primary healthcare centres | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/experts-decry-high-number-of-unimmunised-children-abandoned-primary-healthcare-centres-265302.html | |
2018/08/10 | Daily Nigerian | Healthcare personnel shortage: Task Shifting, Task Sharing policy to the rescue | https://dailynigerian.com/healthcare-personnel-shortage-task-shifting-task-sharing-policy-to-the-rescue/ | |
2018/08/09 | Nigeria Health watch | Live Social media updates on RI financing | https://twitter.com/hashtag/RIFinancing?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5E360671921559445504&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fnigeriahealthwatch.com%2F | |
2018/08/09 | Premium Times | dRPC, experts discuss accountability in Nigeria’s Routine Immunization | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-interviews/279476-drpc-other-health-experts-discuss-accountability-in-nigerias-routine-immunisation-live-updates.html | |
2018/08/08 | Premium Times | DRPC organises dialogue on routine immunisation | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/health/health-news/279463-dprc-organises-dialogue-on-routine-immunisation.html | |
2018/08/04 | Leadership | Why Pneumonia, Diarrhoea Persist In Nigeria | https://leadership.ng/2018/08/04/why-pneumonia-diarrhoea-persist-in-nigeria/ | |
2018/08/01 | Vanguard | PSN links death of under-5 children to lack of life- saving drugs. | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2018/08/psn-links-death-of-under-5-children-to-lack-of-life-saving-drugs/ | |
2018/08/01 | Leadership | PSN-PACFaH Partner to avert under 5 mortality | https://leadership.ng/2018/08/01/psn-pacfah-partner-to-avert-under-5-mortality/ | |
2018/07/30 | Daily Trust | FG presents guidelines on reviewed essential medicines lists. | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/fg-presents-guidelines-on-reviewed-essential-medicines-lists-263289.html | |
2018/07/27 | Vanguard | Stakeholders call for rational use of essential medicines in Nigeria. | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2018/08/psn-links-death-of-under-5-children-to-lack-of-life-saving-drugs/ | |
2018/07/19 | Leadership | Inclusion of private providers central to boosting CPR- Stakeholders | https://leadership.ng/2018/07/19/inclusion-of-private-providers-central-to-boosting-cpr-stakeholders/ | |
2018/07/19 | Report Nigeria | Experts brainstorm on TSTS policy | https://report.ng/fg-experts-brainstorm-on-task-shifting-sharing-policy/ | |
2018/07/18 | Governance News | dRPC- PAS Organize one day meeting of Health CSOs on TSTS | https://governancenews.com.ng/2018/07/18/drpc-pas-organise-one-day-meeting-of-health-csos-on-tsts-implementation/ | |
2018/07/12 | Newsweb Express | News Web Express Child Spacing:Group Pledges Support for Kaduna Government | https://newswebexpress.com/child-spacing-group-pledges-support-for-Kaduna-government/ | |
2018/06/22 | The Eagle Online | FG Wants States To Domesticate Essential Medicine List | https://theeagleonline.com.ng/fg-wants-states-to-domesticate-essential-medicine-list/ | |
2018/05/21 | Newsday Nigeria | Group calls for expansion of family planning services | http://newsdayonline.com.ng/group-calls-expansion-family-planning-services/ | |
2018/05/21 | Kapital FM | PSN-PACFaH@Scale advocates improved data source, information sharing for family planning | https://kapital929.fm/psn-pacfahscale-advocates-improved-data-source-information-sharing-for-family-planning/ | |
2018/05/18 | The Gleamer | PSN-PACFaH@Scale advocates improved data source, information sharing for Family Planning | http://thegleamer.com/psn-pacfahscale-advocates-improved-data-source-information-sharing-for-family-planning/ | |
2018/05/14 | Voice of Nigeria (VON) | Nigerian Pharmaceutical Society recommends expansion of family planning Services | https://www.von.gov.ng/nigerian-pharmaceutical-society-recommends-expansion-of-family-planning-services/ | |
2018/05/12 | Development Africa | Family planning expansion to include Community Pharmacists, Patent Dealers | https://www.developmentafrica.net/2018/05/12/family-planning-expansion-to-include-community-pharmacists-patent-dealers/ | |
2018/05/11 | Newsday Nigeria | Expert says family planning services will reduce maternal mortality rate | http://newsdayonline.com.ng/expert-says-family-planning-services-will-reduce-maternal-mortality-rate/ | |
2018/05/11 | Kapital FM | PSN-PACFaH advocates expansion of family planning services to reduce maternal deaths | https://kapital929.fm/scale-advocates-expansion-of-family-planning-services-to-reduce-maternal-deaths/ | |
2018/04/20 | The 247UReports | Nigeria’s Poor PHC Delivery Disturbing – Health Experts | https://247ureports.com/2018/04/nigerias-poor-phc-delivery-disturbing-health-experts/ | |
2018/04/19 | Daily Nigerian | Expert decry Nigerian lukewarm attitude to Health sector | https://dailynigerian.com/health-experts-decry-nigerian-govts-lukewarm-attitude-over-phc-delivery/ | |
2018/04/19 | Daily Nigerian | Health experts decry Nigerian Govt. lukewarm attitude over PHC | https://dailynigerian.com/health-experts-decry-nigerian-govts-lukewarm-attitude-over-phc-delivery | |
2017/03/15 | | Nollywood Actress, JAIYE KUTI joins PACFaH to advocate for adequate funding for health | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0Kg98E71ps | |
2017/03/15 | | PACFaH Legislative Advocacy in collaboration with National Assembly & NILS-Education tour of South African parliament by National Assembly Committees on Health and Appropriation | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozxV-4LFBtU | |
2017/03/06 | Naij.com | MUST WATCH: Nigerians react to N1500 health budget per person proposed by Government | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M-itufFucY&t=3s | |
2017/02/17 | | Training feloowship for senior public servants in health policy & financing (Commitment and Contributions by participants at NIPSS/PACFaH Training for Senior Civil Servants) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2wld9j8mvE | |
2017/02/16 | NTA | NTA's Your Health: PACFaH partners discuss the issue areas with Blessing Abu part 02 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCTtNkem1F4 | |
2017/02/16 | NTA | NTA's Your Health: PACFaH partners discuss the issue areas with Blessing Abu part 01 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfLoIDGW9BQ | |
2017/02/15 | | PACFaH partner hold a media workshop with Grassroot/Community infleuncers | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdA98elvj7I&t=241s | |
2017/02/15 | | PACFaH partners hold press conference on the 2016 Health Budget | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMTyWR3dpFM | |
2017/02/09 | | PACFaH Core Activities | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PNgjFvC9KA&t=64s | |
2017/02/09 | NTA | NTA Interviews Mr Sunday, CS SUNN PACFaH Program Officer on 2017 Health Budget | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gknsTH-ZY5Q&t=270s | |
2017/02/09 | | Senator Mao Ohuanunwa On 2014 National Health Act | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CleD4AsokWg | |
2017/02/09 | | 'The Controversy' on provision of family planning drugs in Nigeria | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONsuiFsCv7E | |
2017/02/09 | | NILDS: Presentation on Maternal and Child Health in Nigeria to the National Assembly | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAEWiD6F4AI | |
2017/02/09 | | The line between lobbying and advocacy | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue3hmAolgg4 | |
2016/12/31 | | PACFaH 2016 Year in Review | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmFznOrkKSs | |
2016/12/27 | Channels TV | PART 2: PACFaH Project Director, Pharmacist Remi Adeseun talks on 2017 Health Budget on Channels TV | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8_pao323sU&t=4s | |
2016/12/24 | Channels TV | Part 1: PACFaH Project Director, Pharm. Remi Adeseun talks on 2017 Health Budget on Channels TV | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKJZZ7O-2sI&t=16s | |
2015/10/28 | | One dat sensitization meetinf with faith Based Organizations and women group on PACFaH issue areas | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYep76jcLgA | |
| Naija.ng | There are 3 million unimmunized children in Nigeria- NPHCDA | http://1-https/www.naija.ng/1185644-there-million-unimmunized-children-nigeria-npchda.html | |
| NAN | 2020Health plan thickens to increase Contraceptive Prevalence Rate by 2020 | http://www.nan.ng/health/plan%20thickens-to-increase-contraceptive-prevalence-rate-by-2020/amp/ | |
| gobroadsheet | Maternal Mortality: SOGON-PAS want Kaduna govt increase funding for child spacing services…..We’re pushing for more –EI- Rufai’s Commissioner | http://gobroadsheet.com/index.php/2018/07/12/maternal-mortality-sogon-pas-want-Kaduna-govt-increase-funding-for-child-spacing-services-were-pushing-for-more-el-rufais-commissioner/ | |
| Leadership (GBV-FF) | https://leadership.ng/group-trains-hisbah-commanders-on-gbv-issues-in-kano/ | https://leadership.ng/group-trains-hisbah-commanders-on-gbv-issues-in-kano/ | |
| | Child Spacing:Group Pledges Support for Kaduna Government | | |
| Daily News Precise | Group Push For Increase Funding of Family Planning Activities | http://dailynewsprecise.com.ng/?p=p29 | |
| | KADUNA –Child Spacing: SOGON-PAS Push For Increase Funding | https://tracereport.com.ng/2018/07/13/Kaduna-child-spacing-sogon-pas-push-for-increase-funding/ | |
| Nigeria news | NGO vows to add up Contraceptive Prevalence Rate by 2020 | https://www.nigerianews.net/ngo-vows-add-up-contraceptive-prevalence-rate-by-2020/ | |
| News Investigators | Media partners CSOs on Child Spacing | http://newsinvestigators.com.ng/partners-mediacsos-on-child-spacing/ | |
| Daily Trust | PSN want more family planning roles for Community Pharmacists, Chemists | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/psn-want-more-family-planning-roles-for-community-pharmacists-chemists-250222.html | |
| Daily Trust | Nigeria’s Health challenges worrisome- Experts | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/nigeria-s-health-challenges-worrisome-experts.html | |
| ybtc news | 50% of Nigerian girls become mothers before age 20-expert | https://ybtcnews.com/2018/05/12/50-of-nigerian-girls-become-mothers-before-age-20-expert/ | |
| Vanguard | Include private sector in family planning service provision, FG tasked | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2018/include-private-sector-family-planning-service-provision-fg-tasked/ | |
| Nigeria news | Plans thicken to increase contraceptive prevalence rate by | http://nigeria.shafaqna.com/EN/NG/5408951 | |
| Liberty TV Radio | Essential Drugs: FG Wants States To Domesticate Medicine List | http://libertytvradio.com/essential-drugs-fg-wants-states-to-domesticate-medicine-list/ | |
| Nigeria Health watch | dRPC organizes high level Dialogue on Immunization in Nigeria | http://1-https/nigeriahealthwatch.com/drpc-organizes-high-level-advocacy-dialogue-on-routine-immunization-in-nigeria/ | |
| Arise News | 2023 HEALTH BUDGET: ADVOCATES DEMAND FOR FAMILY FUNDING | https://youtu.be/poFBHAU-ch0 | |
| dRPC-Open Society | A/Ibom: CSO Supports Technical College With N385,000 Grant | https://leadership.ng/2020/09/21/a-ibom-cso-supports-technical-college-with-n385000-grant/ | |
| dRPC-Open Society | drpc-mitigating-the-impact-of-covid-19-through-direct-funding-to-schools-in-nigeria | https://www.pulse.ng/news/local/drpc-mitigating-the-impact-of-covid-19-through-direct-funding-to-schools-in-nigeria/kgcjpsf | |
| | NEWS
15% budgetary allocation to health sector will curb brain drain- NIPSS boss | | |