Kaduna PAS partners conducted family planning budget tracking in the State to determine the extent of financing for FP programs for the state. The report showed that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kaduna State’s budget size was reduced by 13%, and its health budget by 7%, the revised health budget to budget size increased to 17.8% from the initial approved of 16.50%. This comparative margin is still above the 15% Abuja declaration cut off.
The family planning allocation in Kaduna State was untouched in the revised budget. The sum of N12,250,000 was allocated in both the approved and revised budget for FP programs, in the FP Budget line. In the second quarter, a memo was raised for N5,792,625 but no budget releases and no cash backing was received till date.
The budget tracking revealed that 2020 FP allocation was 24.05% of the total funding needs, this was an increase from 20.47% in 2019, and 5.39% in 2018.
General allocation to family planning remained unchanged at 0.62% of the health budget, an increase when compared with 0.26% in 2018.
However, releases remained the main issue. In 2019 and 2020, there was 0% release compared to a 100% release in 2018.
This was as a result of the re-routing of all health budgets to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.