The National Reproductive Health Technical Working Group, NRHTWG, and the Federal Ministry of Health, have agreed to include the funding of reproductive health issues, especially family planning in the Basic Healthcare Provision Fund, BHCPF. The Society for Gynaecologist and Obstetrics, SOGON, under the Partnership for Advocacy in child and family health At Scale, PACFaH@Scale, which is a member of the group, was among the partners that reached this agreement during the meeting of the TWG at the Rockview Hotel on March 4th 2020.
The objectives of the meeting was to develop a unified FP2020 work plan, agree on the unified plan to monitor implementation, and to share updates from partners on reproductive health issues in Nigeria.
In her opening remarks, The Director, Family Health Department, Dr. Salma Anas Kolo, who was represented by the Head, Reproductive Health Division, Dr. Kayode Afolabi commended the support of partners, and noted that many stakeholders have aligned their work plans with the Government, which is commendable.
While appreciating the input of all the sub-committees, he announced the reconstitution of membership of all the subcommittees to address identified gaps as follows:
- Advocacy, Accountability and Resource Mobilization- dRPC-PAS, and Pathfinder
- Sub-committee on Demand Generation-Breakthrough. Action and TCI,
- Service Delivery-Marie stope/IHP+, PSM-UNFPA/CHEMONICS,
- Monitoring, coordination, evaluation and Research-CHAI/TRAC 20,
- Sub committees on new technologies-SFH/ACCESS
After the sub-committees ‘reconstitutions, Dr Afolabi gave a progress report about current situation in Nigeria, including issues on government funding, strategic interventions, FP BLUE PRINT 2.0, Expanding FP method mix, and other emerging Issues, and impact of growing Nigeria’s mCPR. He disclosed that Nigeria’s mCPR is 12%, with CPR at 17%, adding that the National target is mCPR-27%.
After presentations, comments and discussions, The TWG also agreed to do the following:
- Give priority to Family Planning in the strategy to achieve Universal Health Coverage.
- Reproductive Health should be fully represented in the Review of Basic Health Care Provision Fund and part of it should be allocated to Family Planning
- National Guidelines for State funded FP commodities procurement should be extended to private sector
- Advocacy to Governors to direct funds for Family Planning.
For the full report please click HERE