The Grand Change Canada (GCC) follow-on project was funded by Saving Lives at Birth in 2014 to implement an innovative project which aims at building the capacity of a core group of Islamic Opinion Leaders to train health providers/administrators on the correct Islamic precepts on:- 1) family planning/child spacing; 2) being attended by male health workers; 3) facility based antenatal care and delivery; 4) allowing neonates and children to accept polio and routine immunization; and 5) on age of marriage.
The project is follow-on on phase I of SLaB project which was implemented by the dRPC between 2011 -2013. The phase II of the project is informed by the basic assumption that the health seeking behaviour of women and men accessing services and the health providing practices of health workers in local communities in Northern Nigeria are affected by misperceptions and incorrect information about what is permitted or not permitted within Islam.
Over the life of the project,- 71,880 clients received counseling on MNCH services and Islam by the trained providers in 15 Month
- 15 ISOLs trained in TOT (12 Katsina and 3 Jigawa) 141 Health Providers Reached (136 Health Providers and 5 In-charge of the target facilities) and 193 Junior Providers (Pre-service Students)
- The Ministry of Health, Katsina state Muslim Community School of Health Technology in Katsina has agreed to teach the Islamic morals and principles in relation to health care service as non-credit course as it cannot be taught as credit course without the prior approval of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.
- The Katsina state Primary Health Care Development Agency has agreed to consider the introduction of Continuing Education unit at the Agency in order to serve as a coordinating centre for training of students and staff working at health facilities in the State.
#UHC #NaijaHealth "For UHC to be guaranteed, there must be inclusivity, awareness, mobilization and action by the citizens through the CSOs involvement"- Dr Judith-Ann Walker @NphcdaNG @Fmohnigeria
— development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) (@drpc_nig) December 12, 2023
The development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) is registered intermediary non-profit organization established with a mission of strengthening the capacity (organizational and technical capacity) of civil society organizations to design and implement transformative and sustainable development interventions which engage government and address felt needs of the vulnerable and excluded such as women and girls.
Current Projects