CCRHS-PAS Supports Child Spacing Advocacy working group to push for FP budget line in Niger State

Centre for Communication in Reproductive Health, under the Partnership for Adovcacy in child and family health at Scale (CCRHS-PAS), supported the Family Planning TWG platform (CS-AWG) of Niger State monthly meeting to discuss issues around FP commitments in the state, and to ensure that FP budget line is provided for in the 2022 appropriation.

The meeting, which comprise of stakeholders in the FP space in the state, discussed implementation of the FP component of BHCPF, lack of releases to FP from domestic source to support outreaches and distribution of commodities, government commitment to allocate budget line to FP, non-implementation of FP CIP and also lack of releases to AYRH.

Other issues discussed were issues around the winding off of the SOML funds which is one source of funding to FP in the state.

Additionally, Niger State Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (FP CIP) is not being effectively implemented due to lack of releases to FP sector from the State budget except for funds from SoML. The meeting found out that no funds were released in the month under review by either the state or SOML and no statements submitted on any releases to FP unit. Also, FP commodities were supplied to the state through support from Marie Stopes in the month under review. The FP unit does not have any specific model for commodity distribution but only leverage on support from partners.


At the end of the meeting, the TWG reached the following resolutions:

  • TWG to step up advocacy task to relevant quarters to foster the implementation of the commitment on FP budget line and improved releases to FP
  • TWG to develop a concept note soliciting for a support from dRPC- PAS to undertake an assessment into level of implementation of FP component of the BHCPF
  • TWG to plan one strategic retreat on the need for improved funding to FP from domestic source
  • TWG to follow up on the issues of FP CIP in the state