Creating Muslim Opinion Leader Champions for Maternal Health & FP

Traditional and Religious Leaders as Champions

The dRPC is one of few civil society organizations in Nigeria which has consistently engaged and incorporated traditional and religious leaders, especially in Northern Nigeria, into development programs as invested stakeholders with agency to transform development challenges. The dRPC holds that traditional and religious leaders can be a positive force for development and transformation if they are educated about important development issues such as family planning and maternal health and gender based violence. Given the authority traditional and religious leaders command in local communities, the dRPC develops interventions to train them to take leadership on secular development issues such as primary health care and girls education and empowers them with information, experiences and cross learning for traditional and religious leaders to engage government as advocates at local and state levels. The goal of the dRPC’s work in the traditional and religious leaders domain is to leverage their traditional authority and interest in modern development issues to equip these leaders with information, data and comparative knowledge so that they are positioned to as champions for change. Exchange visits, study torus, convenings, dialogues are catalytic platforms for transforming traditional and religious leaders as champions for change.

Number of Muslim Opinion Leader focused projects implemented by the dRPC with donor funds since 2002
Number of learning visits on Islam and Maternal health/FP organized by dRPC to the Institute for Training and Research in Alexandria since 2002
Number of Muslim Opinion Leaders supported to attend the Islam and RH/Family Planning training program at the Institute for Training and Research in Reproductive Health in Alexandria, Egypt since 2002
Number of Emirate Councils in Northern Nigeria supported to develop/strengthen health Committees with support from BMGF
Number of regional learning visits on women’s health issues in Mali organized for Muslim Women’s Organizations in Nigeria
Number of faith based organizations supported to run public health projects since 2002
