
Girls Education and Child Protection Report
With over 30 years of experience in education programming in Nigeria, dRPC has a proven track record of impactful interventions in the sector with specific focus on Girls Education and Child Protection. The dRPC Girls Education piece of work focus on improving access to quality education for girls, expanding opportunities for girls’ empowerment through skills acquisition and career development programs and addressing the issues of Gender Based Violence in and from School for Girls through various projects implemented.
Advocacy and Capacity Building for Safe Schools in Nigeria
The development Research and Projects Centre is is currently in the second half of the first year of the BUILD grant. This report captures activ ities in the period of performance from July to November 2022. During this period the dRPC im plemented all activities in its workplan.
TDT Training Evaluation Report
As part of the Teacher Development for Transition (TDT) activities, the dRPC organized a capacity-building workshop on language transition for 100 teachers from 10 primary schools in Kano State at the American Space.
Success Story on Curriculum Review
Following the approval of the new structure by the National Council on Education (NCE), the Senior Secondary School Curricula was revised and its implementation commenced in September 2011 nationwide.
DRPC brings Malala to Kano
"Nigeria faces many challenges - but none of them can be solved without education. Today, more than ten million Nigerian Children are out of school; most of them are girls. This is a tragedy for girls, an enormous waste of human potential and a threat to the future of Nigeria." - Malala Yousafzai, July 19, 2017
Building Resilience and Resistance to Child, Early and Forced marriage through acquiring skills
The development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) set out to investigate a much touted assumption in the child, early, and forced marriage community: that acquiring vocational skills offers girls a pathway to empowerment, agency, and poverty alleviation. The dRPC also set out to test the assumption that empowerment and agency contribute to building girls’ resilience and resistance to child, early, and forced marriage.
A report of the empowerment factor in therapeutic approaches to support adolescent girl survivors of trauma
The study maps out and compares therapeutic approaches employed by mental providers to support girls and young women survivors of psychological trauma from the Northwest and Northeast Nigeria. The study employs a content analysis methodology of support initiatives in the Northwest and Northeast to identify the extent to which empowerment components are incorporated into the approaches, pedagogy and the gender of facilitators.
dRPC Education Sector Response to Covid-19
The development Research and Projects Center (dRPC) has an established record as the leading non-profit in Nigeria's basic education space. With over 20 years of development programming experience in the education sector and having managed approximately 12 donors funded education interventions. The dRPC's education projects are a core component of its 2018 to 2023, 5- year Strategic Plan. With multi-year support from the MacArthur Foundation coming to and with Covid-19 adjustments to funding priorities the dRPC's education project portfolio was threatened by inadequate funding in 2020.