Muslim Opinion Leaders

In January 2024, the development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) launched an exciting new project – Muslim Opinion Leaders (MOLs) for GBV Prevention in Northern Nigeria, designed to address the increasing rates of GBV identified by the dRPC in a 2023 baseline study. Our new project builds upon 20 years of dRPC’s work engaging MOLs, strengthening and positioning them to communicate, advocate for, and model change to prevent GBV. With funding from the Ford Foundation, this project targets male and female Muslim Opinion Leaders (MOLs), equipping and positioning them to use their influence to shift attitudes, behavior, and practices among the faithful, to guide the interpretation of religious precepts in state religious bureaucracies; and to increase commitment within secular government Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs) to implement policies and laws which empower women and girls, protecting them against Gender-Based Violence (GBV).
MOLs4GBV Prevention Project
Leadership Development for Traditional and Religious Leaders Project
The development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) is registered intermediary non-profit organization established with a mission of strengthening the capacity (organizational and technical capacity) of civil society organizations to design and implement transformative and sustainable development interventions which engage government and address felt needs of the vulnerable and excluded such as women and girls.
Current Projects