Global Strategy development to end child marriage by engaging faith and traditional leaders
USAID DRG-LER’s current learning agenda seeks to synthesize evidence about various contextual factors influencing gender-based violence (GBV), and practices that have been used to address GBV in various contexts. To more fully understand the universe of political, social, historic, and economic variables that influence the emergence and prevalence of GBV, USAID contracted National Opinion Research Center (“NORC”) NORC at the University of Chicago [which engaged of the dRPC] to develop a series of scholarly literature reviews focused on 11 core questions related to GBV that draw from existing rigorous, peer-reviewed research in both the academic and gray literature. These core questions were generated by five USAID operating units — Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA) / DRG; DCHA Women Peace and Security; E3/GenDev; Africa Bureau Education Office; and the Middle East Bureau Democracy, Governance, Peace and Security (DGPS) Office. Literature reviews produced as part of this learning agenda will be shared at a GBV Summit hosted by USAID in Washington, D.C. May.
“Collate research that indicates successful interventions on addressing Child and Early Forced Marriage (CEFM) that included working with faith-based and community leaders. Synthesize the research to determine what works when engaging faith-based leaders and community leaders.”
Scope of Work
Working in collaboration with the NORC and USAID operating units:
- Participate in calls with USAID and NORC to clarify questions and refine the scope of the literature review;
Conduct desk research;
- Participate in regularly scheduled conference calls with USAID and NORC to discuss progress updates and resolve challenges;
- Prepare two-page draft summary of preliminary literature review findings;
- Revise two-page literature review summary in response to USAID/NORC feedback;
- Develop PowerPoint presentation based on the two-page summary;
- Present findings at USAID’s Gender Summit in Washington, DC scheduled
- Prepare draft literature review(s) of 20-30 pages in length of the assigned research question(s), and submit to NORC/USAID for feedback;
- Finalize literature review(s) incorporating responses to USAID/NORC feedback.
Deliverables and Due Dates
1. Review assigned research question, and collaborate with NORC and USAID operating units to clarify questions and refine the scope of the literature review
2. Conduct preliminary review of available literature, and prepare a draft two-page summary of findings
3. Incorporate suggested revisions into two-page summary
4. Prepare draft PowerPoint presentation for GBV summit
5. Submit draft literature review of 20-30 pages in length for assigned question(s) and,
6. Submit final literature review that incorporates suggested changes