Our Focal areas for CSO Capacity Building
Capacity building for civil society organizations and leadership development for the leaders of CSOs have been core cross cutting components of the dRPC’s work since its formation 1994. The dRPC commenced work in the third sector in Nigeria’s military era where dRPC founding members were Lecturers in the Nigerian University system working develop the next generation of scholars and critical thinkers. One important challenge we noted at that time was the vibrant role played by CSOs in the return to democracy but at the same time we noted the underdevelopment of theoretical insights capturing the transformative role of CSOs in the preservation and strengthening of democracy.
Against this background the dRPC designed its intervention, mission and purpose as an intermediary organization, supporting and strengthen CSOs to complement the role of the state through alternative social provisioning and social accountability while at the same time researching and documenting the transformative impact of CSOs in Nigeria’s development.
Women's Leadership in Economic Development
The dRPC has 30 years of experience working to strengthening women’s leadership role in the economy as a gender transformative strategy to shift gender norms and structures that contribute to gender inequality and impeding women’s survival and progress. Through a 3-prong strategy the dRPC works to empower women leaders and women’s associations to have representation, influence and decision-making power in platforms and bodies of the economy responsible for policy design; implementation; as well as units responsible for learning, research and evaluation.

A One Day Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming into Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Women Farmers in The North-Central Zone Nigeria
The development Research and Projects Center (dRPC) is recognised as an outstanding research non-profit organization in Nigeria with a particular focus on non-profit research. The dRPC has developed tools, research designs and methodological approaches to assess civil society organizational and technical capacity; to determine their social movements connectivity; and to develop opportunities and approaches for capacity strengthen. Read More
In the media
The development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) is registered intermediary non-profit organization established with a mission of strengthening the capacity (organizational and technical capacity) of civil society organizations to design and implement transformative and sustainable development interventions which engage government and address felt needs of the vulnerable and excluded such as women and girls.
Current Projects