Capacity building in the executive

While the dRPC’s main focus is to strengthen the capacity of CSOs, as a third sector organization with deep roots at community level, our experience teaches that without government buy-in and engagement interventions implemented by CSOs are unlikely to be replicated or to indeed to be sustainable.  Moreover, the dRPC’s experience supporting CSOs as development actors, teaches the importance of developing champions within government receptive to collaborating with and working CSOs.

Another factor contributing to dRPC engagement with government agencies stems from the need to facilitate national policy translation to state and local levels by building capacity within government. In addition, the dRPC engages government agencies to facilitate community consultation by creating platforms and facilitating dialogues.

The dRPC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and exchanged letters of collaboration with key and strategic government agencies at national and state levels. These include the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS); the National Institute for Democratic and Legislative Studies;  the Open Government Partnership; State Universal Basic Education Boards in many states in the country