Proposed for 2020
1) Select another batch of Primary Health Centres for upgrade, refitting, equipping and provision of solar grids for their electrical needs, to be manned by some 3,000 additional health care staff PHCDA plans to employ.
2) Complete the 300-bed specialist hospital at the Millennium City that has been under construction since 2009;
3) To improve health outcomes for our people, we shall continue to upgrade the primary health sector, bringing more equipment, expanding the coverage of our immunisation programme, recruiting health professionals and working to reduce infant and maternal mortality.
4) State Primary Health Care Development Amendment (or re-enactment) Bill to update the PHCDA/PHCUOR law that this Honourable House graciously enacted in September 2015, paving way for influx of coordinated donor support to our immunisation and primary healthcare programmes.

Financing Universal Health Coverage in Africa: Nigeria’s comparative experience

The Partnership for Advocacy in Child & Family Health at Scale, PACFaH@Scale (PAS), is a social accountability project which aims to strengthen the capacity of Nigerian Civil Society Organisations at the national and state levels. The project aims to hold decision-makers (in the executive and legislature) to account to comply with commitments in child and family health, policies (laws); financial obligations and to bring down regulatory and administrative barriers to effective and efficient service delivery. PAS is anchored by the development Research and Projects Centre (dRPC) and implemented by a coalition of 23 indigenous health NGOs and professional associations. The project is also supported by 2 government partners working to develop champions with the executive and legislature.